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'Do you like jaggery balls" Sabari asked.

A pair of doe eyes, peeked from behind the queen's legs. The curly haired girl nodded her head and extended her chubby hand forward.

"Don't feel shy. I won't bite you" Sabari smiled, not to make the girl nervous.

The queen gently nudged the girl in front of her. "Remember, I told you about a lady and man who were sent by god to look after you." The girl nodded. "This is that lady."

Sabari nodded and asked the girl to come over. The child walked over hesitantly. "What is your name" she asked.

"Kal.Kalyani Devi" The girl whispered loudly before looking towards the queen, who smiled affectionally.

"My name is Sabari." She introduced herself.

The girl winked "She told you were amma." the girl said pointing at the queen.

Tears welled up in Sabari's eyes "I am." She choked on her words "Do you want to come home, with me?"

"Where is nana" The girl enquired. She was told that god had sent her both a mother and a father.

"He is there." Sabari pointed towards Partha. He and the king were standing a little distance away. Partha wanted Sabari to meet the child first.

A month ago when the queen had asked Partha about adopting a child, he had taken his time broaching the subject with Sabari. He did not want to upset her, yet knew in his heart that she would love to be a mother.

In the year that they had been married, Partha seemed to have  rediscovered Sabari. She was a natural with kids. Under the guidance of Vrinda and the patronage of the queen, Sabari had begun to teach young girls about science and scriptures. With no takers in the beginning, her school evolved as she began to tell afternoon stories. Even the mothers would stay back along with the daughters to enjoy the story time.

Partha had seen this young girl on the palace grounds, but had never approached her with the fear of breaking the child's heart if they were unable to adopt her. She was a spirited child. Very active. Running around. Never seeming to stop.

When Sabari pointed towards him, the king and he made their way towards the women. Sabari was continuing to talk to the child and had picked her up.

"Are you sure she is not Vrinda's" he asked the king.

King Jaya rolled his eyes "Have mercy Partha. Not every orphan is his. I told you she is a gypsy girl. She was abandoned at the medic's house. I can show you the clothes she was dressed in."

"I believe you." Partha said "Did you give her the jaggery?" He asked Sabari

"Are you nana?" The girl asked instead.

"I am." Partha smiled at her. 

'Amma told me you will cook what ever I like.' 

He kneeled to meet the girl at eye level 'I can. But you will also have to play a lot. That way you will get tired and hungry. And I can make more food for you to eat. Ok?"  The little girl nodded eagerly. 

'Shall I bring my belongings' she  asked and left as soon as Partha nodded in answer. 

Seeing the girl sprint away in happiness, Sabari turned to the king and queen. 'Thank you! I never thought I would experinence motherhood and now I am going to.' she then turned to Partha and pinched him in the side.

'What was that for" Oddly enough he smiled, knowing the answer.

She sighed moving closer to him. 'Just making sure this is not a dream.' 

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now