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"Cumin, tamarind, garlic, red chillies ,roasted lentils anything else?" Partha asked tasting the sample of the chutney that  Sabari placed on the back of hand. He was quick with grinding the coconut to paste. "Hmm. I feel though, that a coarse texture would be be better with rice?

"Red coconut chutney?!" The waiting old man asked "I have seen green coconuts." He scratched his head.

"The coconuts are not red, Sambaiah. It is the pachchadi that is red. See?" She said serving some on his coconut leaf.

"The pachchadi is made of coconut?" He asked. Sabari nodded. "Then it is made of red coconuts!" Sambaiah stated, grandly.

"No!" Sabari said exasperatedly.

"Do you think I am mad, girl?" He asked, equally irritated. "Do I look mad, Arjuna?!" Sambaiah asked Partha.

"Why don't the two of you stop arguing and just eat your food." Partha suggested.

"I must be going mad."

"You are mad." Sabari informed him.
Partha and Sabari were walking home when Sambaiah had stopped them. With hands on his hips and a wide stance, the wandering old man, looked straight at Partha "I am hungry!" He proclaimed seriously.

Sabari had seen the man around in the village. She had initially thought he was a begger, when Pedarasi peddamma had informed her of the man's past.
A spiritual healer of sorts, Sambaiah had apparently climbed up the moutain peak about 10 years ago and returned back, not the same man. The world was his home, he claimed, for he did not belong to one place. He was often standing on one foot,

" Red coconut chutney. Amma usually made it for dosa. I never had it with rice." Sabari said.

Partha  poured a generous amount of ghee and mixed the rice. Taking some into his fingers, he held it close to Sabari's lips.
"Here." He began to feed her.

"This is so nice, Partha. You are a good student." Sabari said, tapping Partha in his shoulder. "Good job!" She complimented.

Partha just shook his head and looked at Sambaiah, who was staring intently at them "Do you want to be fed too?" He asked.

Sambaiah looked to the sky "And she says I am mad."  Shaking his head and began to eat what was served.

Sabari took the vessel from Partha "Don't take him seriously. When will you be back?" She asked.

"It should be six months if we are disciplined with our timings."

Sabari starred at him, in surprise "Six months? That is half a year!"

"Yes." Partha and Sabari had a similar realization almost at the same time "Will you still be here? When I come back?" He asked.

"You think she came here to go somewhere else. Where will she go? Who will feed her? That woman does not know the difference between a pumpkin and a Coconut." Sambaiah said without looking up from his plate of food.

It took only a moment for Sabari to snap out the despair she began to feel. "I can feed myself." She retorted. Sambaiah could careless. "And the question is." She turned to Partha "Will you remember me?" She asked.

"Hmm." Partha rubbed his chin. "Good question. We never know what fate has in store for me."

Sambaiah laughed out loud "Well answered! Well answered! He looked at Sabari and narrowed his eyes "You deserve such answer. The..."

"Will you eat or should I take away your  food."

Sambaiah picked up his plate and stuck his tongue out before walking out into the backyard "Cannot even eat peacefully." he muttered. 

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now