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"Mushrooms or roots?" Sabari asked

Aranya kumara wrinkled his nose "I don't like Mushrooms?" he said "I know father likes them, but can we take the roots instead? aunt told that she will show me a nice way of roasting them. Just the way grandmother likes them."

Today was bittersweet day for Sabari. Death was never nice anyways. Her perception of it, however, changed. For Sabari, death was always the loss of her father and mother. The very thought of it made her aware of  a hole in her stomach. Her heart ached with the memories of her parents. Not since she came here, though. What happened and how that changed was not something Sabari could dwell on for long periods of time. 

For the first time since Sabari began visiting Vrinda's house, all of his siblings were in the ashram, along with king Jaya and the queen.  People moved and spoked differently. As if preparing for something. Agrahan amma, too did not speak much to her, but was always conversing with anyone of her children.

A week after they had arrived the guruni passed away in her sleep. It looked like her kids were prepared for the death and did not think much of it either. 

"It is a part of life's cycle,Sabari." Vrinda had extolled,when Sabari attempted to console him. "The sooner we accept that, the less the heart is affected. Amma lived a long life and a happy one at that. A weary body can only take so much.  See of it as a chance at another life.'

Sabari understood what Vrinda said but  she could not understand how that was to make anybody feel better about losing their mother or father. However, it was not her place to question their attitudes. All she could do was mourn for Agrahan amma and do what was asked of her at this time. 

'Why don't you go and fetch the banana leaves. I will wash these and bring.'  Sabari suggested. 

The boy nodded and left the place. Sabari carried the vegetables to the small lake and began to wash them near a tiny stream of  water that was flowing over a dead log. Just as she turned around to walk back, she heard a hissing sound and stopped in her tracks. In front of her , a white  cobra raised its head. It's eyes were as dark as a star less night. The Cobra was not deterred by Sabari's presence. It rather seemed to claim its territory and was waiting for Sabari to make a humble exit.

For Sabari however, a whole whirlwind of emotions arose taking her back to the  time of the bear attack.
She froze in her place as blood drained out of her face. She stared at the albino snake as her vision faded out and she hit the ground.

Aarnya kumara had seen the snake before he saw Sabari laying on the ground. The snake had slithered between his feet, going about its way. He too froze in place and only moved after I disappeared into the bushes. He tried not to look at it. An old wife's  tale was that a white cobra would kill itself if seen by people and he did not want the snake to die. It was so beautiful he thought. When he sighed and made his way through the grass was when he saw Sabari's unconscious body. He imagined the worst and did not want to touch her. He ran back to the camp to bring Vrinda.

At the time that Vrinda reached Sabari. She was up on her feet, staring up at the sky.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Am I dead?" She asked.

Vrinda frowned "I don't think so." He reached for her hand and turned her around. Her body was warm, yet Sabari looked at him, her eyes were glazed and she looked lost.

"I don't feel alive." She said looking into Vrinda's eyes.


"That is my name." She confirmed "Do I know you?"

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now