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"Yes, my lord. It is similar to our Pulusu. But, our Tamil neighbors add a combination of lentils to the tamarind." Partha answered.

"Partha, we are having lunch as friends. Not as king and minister." The king reminded his friend. He took the container from Partha's hand and poured out the thick tamarind and lentil broth onto the rice, for the sage, who not many people knew, was also the king's distant cousin. "Here Vrinda. I don't think I should be the only one scarficed to our friend's culinary talent"

Vrinda rishi mixed the rice in the broth and picked it up between his fingers and smelled it "You put menthulu in this?"

Partha smiled "Yes. Menthulu and jaggery enhance the taste of tamarind. At least, that is what Sanjeeva told me"

"Sanjeeva? " the king smiled "You speak fondly my friend. Is it somebody that we should know off."

"Yes. He is the one of the cooks at the Royal Tanjore Kitchen"

The king sighed "What do you have to say Vrinda?"

"Yes. Menthulu also enhances the strength of hair and shine of the skin." Vrinda added looking more keenly at the ingredients of the Kolambu .

"And a beautiful woman is happiness to a man's eyes." the King smiled looking at a dainty maid who had walked over to serve the men food "It looks like motherhood has enhanced your beauty Vaishnavi. How is your son? And why are you back to work? Has it been a year since you delivered?"

The maid blushed at the king's compliment. She was not surprised that the King remembered her name. He always did. He always addressed each and every member of the palace staff by their names. And on the very rare occasion that he did not know the person's name he addressed them with a complimentary trait of their's. That very nature of the king was what won over the people. "My son is 6 months over a year, my lord." she smiled shyly.

The king raised his brows "Is he?! Oh. Well, time seems to be flying..." he looked at his two friends "and men are getting older and will keep getting old... " he complained, staring at his two friends, both of whom where busy eating their food. The king cleared his throat. Not getting any reaction from his friends the king continued his sarcastic observation"and then one day they will just die"

Vrinda coughed. Partha ignored. The king sneered "Tell me, my dear friends, what do you see in those two women walking towards us."

Vrinda narrowed his eyes a little, looking in the left "The one on the right, her hair is shiny and bright. I should ask her what she uses. It is very dark and rich. But..."

"But she is also careless. Look at the scars on her hands. It has not even been two hours and she had already burnt herself. I told you she should be put under watch. " Partha spoke in a miffed tone, frowning at Sabari carrying a pot towards them.

"That was not what I was talking
about!" The king was miffed at his friends' deliberate ignoring of his question "You men are over forty spring seasons old and have not sown your seeds yet. In a few years your wells will dry out and then you will die a lonely death with no child to carry your name into the future....and you are talking off shiny hair and bruises. What is wrong with you guys?! "

Vrinda coughed and looked at Partha with a twinkle in his eyes " I don't know why you think we haven't sown are seeds?" The two friends laughed out loud at the insunation , which, the king did not find quite that funny.

Sabari and the other maid served what food they had brought over.

"I do not doubt that Vrinda. I am talking about sustainable relationships." The king sighed "I had hope when the girl from my tribe was at you ashram but.....a little birdie tells me that the lady ran away ...with your apprentice?" the king questioned.

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