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Sabari picked up the short stemmed brown mushroom and put it to her nose. The smell was similar to the one that Agharna amma had shown her. Pulling out the small blade from the fold of her pallu, she began to gently cut the base of the mushroom from its anchor, being careful not to chip off a piece of the bark or soil.

She was not very far from where Aranya Kumara was dropped off at the cultivation site. She told the boy to only pick up the leafy vegetables that were needed to prepare lunch. That would be easy for the kid to carry. Sabari was not very sure about leaving the boy alone to walk back to the kuttir . He was after all only twelve years old. But, she was also not sure if she should be disobeying Vrinda. Obviously, the man knew what he was asking of the child. But, then again how wise was his decision. The boy , on the other hand did not seem to doubt Vrinda's decision. After being repeatedly questioned about his comfort, Kumara had slowly let gone off Sabari's hand and informed her that he would follow his guru's orders and walk back alone. He thanked Sabari for helping him and got to work.

Now, that was another question that was running in Sabari's head. From the weird conversation that happened Sabari could gather that Aranya Kumara was Vrinda's son. How? That was the question. Vrinda was not married. In fact, on more than one occasion he made it quite evident that he was looking for a suitable lady, one whom he could trust, love and live with in his kuttir. Then where did this son come from? A failed love? Or a previous marriage? Picking up the basket , in which the rest of the vegetables were placed, Sabari headed to the cultivation area, only to find that the boy had already left. Sighing and smiling at her unreal motherly instinct, Sabari headed for the lake where she usually washed the vegetables before going back to the kuttir.

On reaching the lake, Sabari's heart did a quick flip at the sight that met her eyes. Standing waist deep in the lake , with his rippling muscle-water drops covered- chiseled lats- totally sexy back to her, Partha was praying to the sun with his hands held above his head. And as he lowered his hands to his chest, the quirky knotty feeling that Sabari felt in her heart traveled down to somewhere between her legs and settled there. Sabari walked slowly to the fallen tree trunk at the edge of the water and sat down, holding her knees close to her chest. Resting her chin on her knees , she stared at him till Partha finished his prayers and turned around. She smiled and so did he.

"You should have joined me instead of sitting there?" Partha said.

Sabari's eyes grew big "For a bath?" she asked, incredulously.

"No, to scrub my back." he said sarcastically.

Sabari blushed "Don't give me ideas, Partha. I already have a pronographic reel running in my mind."

"What does that mean?" He asked, walking towards her.

Sabari dug her face into her knees "Nothing" came her muffled voice.

Partha splashed water on her." What?" he asked.

"Why did you do that?" Sabari protested.

"Tell me what you were thinking." He splashed water at her again.

"Partha! Stop it!" Sabari wiped the water of her face. Partha walked ashore and sat down beside her. Before he could ask anything else Sabari spoke "First, you answer my question?"
To which Partha raised his brows. Sabari tilted her head in the direction of the kuttir and raised her brows in question, twice.

"You have a question or a kink in your neck?" Partha asked.

Sabari sighed "You and your sarcasm!" she complained "Who. Is. Aranya Kumara?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I should not ask? Curious. That's all" Sabari felt a little embarrassed "I should not have asked" she said, earnestly.

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now