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Partha sat patiently on the steps of the temple pond. He opened his satchel of fruits and began his breakfast with a Chakarkeli banana. He looked out at the serene image in front of him. The soft and slightly chill, morning wind caused gentle ripples in the pond, that were occasionally disturbed by the bubbles coming from underneath the water surface.

He was going to wait another minute before getting into action. But, much as he had guessed, he did not have to wait long. Sabari pushed herself out of the water and gasped for breath. Clearing wet hair off her face she walked towards Partha.

"You are improving by the day Sabari. You were in the water for a longer time than yesterday. " He said, handing her a towel that lay beside him.

Sabari twisted her lips at Partha, but accepted the towel from him "Thank you." she matched his sarcasam "Why do you follow me?"

"I don't follow you." Partha said, standing up "I would be called, anyways, if people found a dead body floating around in the waters. So, I might as well prevent it. Here.." He pulled out a folded piece of attire and handed it to Sabari "Atha gave that for you. She was scared the first few weeks you did this. Now she believes it is some sort of a ritual for you." He lead up the steps to a small enclosure around a gopuram. "You go. I will keep watch."
He waited for her to get dressed and once she came out he handed her the fruits that were packed. "Eat this"

Sabari made a face at the fruits " I swear I have never eaten so many fruits in my entire life." She looked up at the sky and raised her hands "I want dosaaa!!!!" she exclaimed.

Partha was mildly surprised "Have you eaten the dosai?"

"Dosai?" Sabari thought about it for a moment "Dosa, yes."

"So you have travelled"

Sabari snorted "Of course, I have travelled. I have been to many places. Both in and out of India."


Sabari smacked her head gently. He obviously would not know what India is "It's ok. Leave it."

"Hmm. When you make statements like that, It makes me wonder about your true nature."

"What do you mean?"

"The palace steward and the cook have been praising your discipline and hardwork. So has the stable master. In fact he told me that he has not seen any women so hungry to seek and do work. And, then...."

Sabari smiled "Then?"

"And then you start saying things like you just did. Things that do not make any sense."

Sabari looped her arm around his arm and leaned against it "It is a dream Partha! What does it matter what I say. I am just trying to enjoy it."

"By behaving inappropriately?"

Sabari stopped to face him "What?"

Partha looked down at his arm. Sabari followed his gaze and then looked at him, " Abba! Now don't start lecturing me about manners and all that." She leaned into him further "It is you Partha! You! My dream man!" when Partha raised his brows in question, she  cleared her throat and questioned him in an interrogative manner  "Are you married?"

Partha frowned "No"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"I mean, a lady that you like or love?"


"Shh. Do you think I am unattractive?"

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now