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"Coffee?" The king and Vrinda asked at the same time.

"Yes. Coffee." Sabari confirmed holding her hands to the sides of her head "My head is splitting. I can't take this anymore" For the last 30 minutes it was a two way argument between Partha and her. With Partha trying to get his point that the she tried to commit suicide and Sabari trying to convince the king she that did not belong to that place, or time, for that matter. She was not understanding what it would take for her to wake up from this dream, but, it was getting to her nerves.

"You will watch the way you talk to the king." Partha warned Sabari.

"Talk to me like that one more time and I will go kiss the king just to piss you off!" Sabari hissed. 

"How dare you speak like that..."

The King held up his hand "Partha." the King turned his attention to Sabari "Hmm. So you believe this is a dream?"

"It has to be" Sabari said "I don't belong to this century. I don't even know what era this is? You people don't know what coffee is so I am assuming I am way before the 16th century. But I don't understand why I would have traveled back so much time, in my dream. I....I did not even watch any historical movie before I fell asleep... I actually did not even fall asleep.. I.. I felI  into the water...and the next thing I know... This... " Sabari pointed at Partha with a distasteful expression " This fellow pulled me out of the water"

Partha clenched his jaw "See?" Partha addressed the King "This is why I want her under guard."

"Hmm. I have never come across a woman with your manner of speech." the King spoke to Sabari.  He frowned. What the lady spoke off fascinated him.  None of what she said made sense but she was quite convincing in the way she spoke.  But what she  told  did not concern him as much as what Partha told him. She tried to take her life? The king did not like when people took their own lives. When all else failed that is when people would resort to such measures. As a king , he believed, it was his responsibility that his people were happy and content. If they were not then they should, at least, be able approach the king for help. He believed that there was no misery that could not be overcome with good deeds and good words. To make it understandable to the people he along with his ministers spoke at length about it. But when he saw that people revered fear more then encouragement, he made it a punishable offence to kill oneself. "Alright. Let us, for some time, assume that this is indeed a dream. Do you know what was the reason you jumped into the water in  your dream."

"I did not jump into the water! I was pushed into it." Sabari argued. " And I don't think the guy who did it, did it on purpose...I think he meant to push my cousin but I fell, instead."

"She is lying, my lord! There was nobody near that lake except me. All the men working at the nearby construction, had also left. Nobody could have pushed her into the water."

"Objection mi lord!!" Sabari's voice rang out louder than expected. Clearing her throat, she continued in lower but firm voice "He cannot keep calling me a liar without proving that I am actually lying." 

"Hmm" The king leaned forward "Partha did you see her jumping into the water?"


"How long after you went to the lake did you see her?"

Partha frowned, trying to remember "It must be at least an hour, my lord"

"Hmm." The king looked at Sabari who was looking at him intently "You did not see her jump into the water and she was not there when you reached that place." He thought for a moment. "Though I do not completely understand what she is saying , I believe we have to give her the benefit of doubt. There seems to be no other explanation." 

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now