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"Panakam?" Sabari looked at the drink, confused at the situation. Why was she called and why was she being offered a drink.
The queen was there, so were Partha and Minister Anindram. They both looked equally puzzled. Since being called to after court session, the king had not said a word, first until the queen arrived and secondly...well it appears they were waiting for someone else.

"Yes. Because what we are going to discuss is both sweet and spicy."

"I do not understand, my lord." Both Sabari and Partha said in unison. Well, that was awkward. Sabari gazed at Partha and Partha maintained his eyes on the king.

"Ah, there he is." Queen said. The court looked around to see who it was. In walked Vrinda rishi. Once he took his seat, as was offered, the queen turned her attention to Sabari. "Rishi Vrinda, has brought to our notice his wish to marry you, Sabari. He has sought the king's permission for the same."

Partha's jaw tightened and Sabari's slacked. "I...I don..I don't understand, my queen. Just yesterday...."

"As your gaurdian, it is my duty to not just keep you fed and clothed, Sabari. It is also my duty to help you progress in life and ensure your happiness as is within my purview. You are still young and healthy. There is no reason why you should whine away your life in loneliness."

"But, my lord..."

"What you say minister Anindram?" King Jaya avoided looking at Partha.

"Absolutely right, my lord."

The king smiled and turned his attention back to Sabari "You did not like the proposal we presented the last time. So, here is a new one today."

"My lord.." Sabari started.

"Before you say anything, Sabari, there are a few considerations to be kept in mind.." the queen interrupted "While the king treats all his subject like his own family, one should not forget that we merely provide services to the people, as is the duty of our position. And one of the things the king and I have to keep mind is that the people's wealth is utilized productively. Which means we cannot have people dependent on the king's generosity."

Partha spoke up this time "My queen, Sabari has been self sufficient and has been working for her wages. I do not understand how..."

"That is true, minister Partha. What is also true is that she is an un married young lady, who has been often observed enjoying your lovely company."

Partha's jaw tightened  "I do not..."

"And since she said that she did not wish to marry you..."

"That is not what I said!" Stated Sabari firmly and loudly than she expected. Partha still did not look at her. All this was very upsetting for him. It concerned him and yet he could not get  involved. So he turned his fire on the one person who could take his heat.

"Is Vrinda Rishi aware of Sabari's past romantic involvements, my lord." He addressed the king though he looked at Vrinda.

"It is my future that I intend to share with Sabari, king Jaya. Her past is not a concern if it does not bother her."

King Jaya clapped his hands "There. It is settled..."

"No. It is not." Sabari spoke up again. Why where they talking as if she is not there. She turned to Vrinda, folded her hands and bowed her head "I am honored that you saw me as a equal to seek my partnership, Vrinda rishi. I will forever be your humble student.  However, I wish to spend my life with the man with whom I began this journey.  I hope you understand my heart's desire and also know that I do not reject you. But, I have too much respect for you as my teacher, to see or accept you in any other role in my life."

Vrinda rishi sighed after a deep breath "Your way with words has always been very admirable , Sabari. Although I do not wish to be placed on the high pedastale that you put me on, I realise I cannot find my place in your heart.
This other man.." he said tilting his chin in Partha's direction "Hopefully knows how blessed he is to have you as his partner."

Sabari smiled, almost melancholicly "It is I who did not realize how blessed I am, Vrinda rishi."

The king clapped his hands, again, in a wider smile. The matter was resolved and the dilemma over. "It is settled then!"

Sabari too smiled. All eyes were on Partha. Everybody looked at him and he looked at the king. "If the matter is settled, may I take leave, my lord." He asked, formally.

The queen frowned "Don't you have anything to say, minister Partha?"

"No, my queen. The matter has been resolved by the concerned parties." He pointed at Vrinda "He proposed. She rejected." He stated.

"Is that all?" Sabari asked.

"Is there more?" Partha questioned.

The king rubbed his forehead in tiredness. Oh, the drama his friends could put up. "Partha..."

Just then Vrinda rishi grabbed Sabari's hand and began to lead her out of the court. Sabari followed without resistance, muted by Partha's reaction "What are you doing?" She asked Vrinda, absent mindedly.

"Just follow." Vrinda pulled her closer.

"What are you doing?!" Partha yelled behind them.

"None of your business!" Vrinda yelled back.

"Vrinda!!" King Jaya called out.

"Gaurds, close the door!!" Ordered Partha. The whole court moved towards the doors, which the gaurds which were quick to close.

Seeing the shut doors, Vrinda turned around and asked coolly "What is the objection, Partha?

"What are you doing?!" Partha questioned with unvoiced accusations, just as the king and queen caught up.

"I am not abducting her, if that is what your are implying, Partha." Vrinda answered, cool as a cucumber.

"I am not being abducted." Sabari stated.

"Be quite, Sabari." Partha ignored her "Let go of her." He warned his new found nemesis.

"This does not concern you Partha." Vrinda stated, with a smug hint of a smile.

Partha looked at Sabari and not seeing her counter Vrinda, made his temper raise. But. Vrinda was right, if Sabari did not want to speak up, then it did not concern him. He clenched jaws he answered. "You are right." He stated at Sabari "This does not concern me."

"It does not?!" Now Sabari was getting pissed off. She did not even realize that Vrinda was not holding her hand anymore. "So, you have no feelings for me now? I say no. and I tell you why. and that is it? That is the end of our relationship." She inched on to Partha.
He stood his ground.

"You ended what we could have, Sabari."

"No, I did not Partha!" She poked into Partha's chest to make a point "If marriage is the only way I can have you in my life, then you will be my husband!!! Do you understand!!" She jabbed the finger deeper.

With a smile he was not trying very hard to contain, Partha looked at the king and said "Now it is settled."

Sabari ParinayamWhere stories live. Discover now