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It was a shock that Liam and Finley had lasted this long, everyone had their money in that by 1998 their engagement will be quickly taken back, but not really, as Liam and Finley are expecting a baby in just a few weeks, maybe days.

Not just any baby, you could imagine what Liams face was when it was revealed they were having triplets. Finley was nervous but enthusiastic about having three babies, Liam however, well it's the consequences of his actions.


I waddled around me and Liams shared house, by spring of 1999 we were officially married, and now expecting three critters, i shouldn't really call them that but I've seen my sister and her 2 kids, and were they a pain. And having three of them, God aye have mercy on me for once.

Searching for a dress to wear, all seemed to not fit me anymore even if they were maternity dresses, to go and visit Liam in the studio.

I just felt like being with my husband, especially because in any day I could just give birth and I'm not gonna let Liam get away for what he's done.

As soon as I step out the house, a camera was pointed at me, I frown a bit but then noticed that the one holding the camera is my Kristelle, she's been busy documenting our lives since 97, wanting something to look back onto even though it'll take us a long time to separate as friends and as a band, "Hiya!" I wave like a little kid, Kristelle grinned, putting the camera down, "Ello! Jesus, have you gone big." she eyed.

"You try carrying three fetuses inside you." I said with a roll of my eyes, she lets her cam recorder hang around her neck with the lanyard it has and went to come and help me down the few steps from the porch, which I thank her for.

My back hasn't felt any sort of relief, it always felt like i'm carrying a head box both on my back and stomach. "Thank you, Kris." I smiled at her, before giving her a big hug.

"Where's Kitty?" I asked, "Kitty's off writing songs for her solo album." Kristelle giggled.

Since my pregnancy announcement 8 months ago, we've all taken a break(at-least my band did) to focus on our lives, Kristelle is getting married next year and is an amazing step mother to Poppy, her fiancée 5 year old kid. Michelle has quit the band but we still stay in contact, she moved to Nottingham with her girlfriend, Celestia. And Maggie, well she's like my sister, helping me alongside Kristelle throughout my whole pregnancy when Liams too busy recording or doing his usual interviews and gigs, which I don't mind but sometimes it can get tiring. And Kitty's been making her own songs.

"Well, Where 'r we off too?" Kristelle asked, helping me get inside her car, "Studio." I said, sighing.

"All righty, got your seatbelt on?" she asked, looking over at me struggling, before giving up, "fuck it."

We reached the outside of the studio and there stood Liam, obviously waiting on me, I can tell from how his face lit up when i exited the car.

He walked up to me and places a hand on my back, the littlest things he does to help me, even if it's not helping, it assures me that he is there for me.

"Alright, love?" he asked,a bit concerned. "Always am." I smiled at him, "Thank you Kris," I looked back at Kristelle who leaned by her car. "It's always no problem Finnie."

I came to visit Liam, other than because it's the normal routine for me whenever he's recording for an album, we're going to have a lunch date, he proposed the idea last night and I agreed, it's been a while.

Kristelle had left since she had to pick up Poppy from school and run some errands, leaving me and Liam together, like how it always have been.

"I've been thinking about a movie night too," He told me as we waited in line in the same old diner we used to go back in '98.

"What good movies are out there for a pregnant lady?" I asked, eyeing the menu, "Snatch?" he suggested, I hummed thinking about it. "Ohh, what about Me, Myself & Irene?" I suggested with a grin.

He looked at me as if I've gone mad for a second before shrugging, "You sure not Snatch?" he asked, "I doubt it's still in theaters." I snickered, "It's been three weeks since it came out."

"You could never know." He said, ordering our food to take out, since he wanted to have lunch in a park, for some reasons.

We walked to the park he insisted for us to eat lunch in, it wasn't quite far, but if you're 9 months pregnant it's pretty tiring to even take 4 steps.

Thankfully, Liam has a soft bit for me(But who wouldn't be soft for their pregnant wife), which shocked me honestly, dating him was quite like a fairy dream on how different he was. He was sweet and soft, not his usual tough rockstar persona.

"Why in the park?" I asked as we finally sat in a bench, I was quietly gasping for air. "It's a lovely day." He said as if it was obvious.

"I guess." I looked up at the sunny skies, squinting my eyes, "But other than that, why?"

Liam shrugged, "Remember how much we would stay here for lunch and pint? I just want to feel like we were those dumb 24 year olds once more." he smiled.

I felt myself get a bit emotional remembering those simple old days, where we'd sit here in comfortable silence as we devoured sandwiches Maggie would make us and a can of guinness.

I never noticed how time flies that fast, "We still can be those dumb 24 year olds." I say, taking a bite of the chips he had bought me.

"yeah, this time with kids." he chuckled. There was a comfortable silence as we ate our lunch, "What's your new album gon' be?" I asked, Liam looked at me and shrugged, "dunno yet love, 'r kid's still struggling with album namin' and writing." he said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

I laugh softly, "why are you in the studio then, if your not gonna sing songs yet?"

and there goes his rambling about the reason he's in the studio is to check up on his brother to see that he's not dead (but he'd wish he was) and his rambles comparing the songs in every album they've had.

And I listen to him, like I always did, from his complains and slurred confessions of how he loves me. For a minute, it was like we we're the dumb 24 year olds back in 96.

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