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(can u guys my inspiration slash reference for this chapter)

Winston was our little copier, always picking up his dads attitude and vocabulary.

He was quite an interesting fella, really. He was clever, but only academically clever. Other than that he can be clueless of what he's doing. More importantly, what he's saying, because his vocabulary was mostly learned from Liams vocabulary.

We were all having breakfast, Layla cleaning her plate and Lennon had already begun putting on his socks.

Winston however was still struggling with his yogurt.

"Alright, Winnie?"

"Mum, don't call me that." he whined in between grunts.

I nudged Liam who was sitting reading the newspaper, I'd never thought i'd ever see him the in the classic dad pose, sat with his legs crossed, squinting as he reads the daily mail while drinking morning tea.

He looked up to me and I point to Winston who was grunting as he seemed to have a hard time opening his yogurt.

Liam just shrugged and continued to read his newspaper. I gave him an audible groan, "What's wrong Winston?"

"This fucking yogurt won't budge you fucking dumbass." he said angrily.

I widened my eyes at his reaction, almost audibly gasping. "He's said a bad word, Ma!" Layla points at her brother, "You said a bad word!" she whined.

"I wonder where he got that from." I glared at Liam who I guess noticed it as he sets down his newspaper, "The fucking fridge you fucking dumbass."

I flung my hands up in defeat, "You seriously got to stop using vulgar words in front of them." I point at him.

"Dumbass." Winston giggled.

Liam snickered. Layla looked at me with scared eyes, "Will Winston get any gift from Santa? He said bad words!" her nose turned red like she was gonna cry.

(it was well round December 12)

I sighed as Liam and Winston just giggled, sending funny looks at each other. I slap the back of Liams neck making him go quiet as he winced. Winston also seemed to go quiet, "You and I will have a talk as soon as you finish school, you are running late." I point to the clock.

"Spoilsport." Liam mumbled.

Winston was also the most straightforward of the three.

it was the same evening, right after I had scolded Winston about why bad words are called bad words, and that maybe when he's 16 he can say it, we were having our dinner until Liam asked a question.

"Have you written to Father Christmas already?" Liam asked as we all sat for dinner.

"Santa's dead." Winston answered, staring me and his father dead in the eyes. Among the three, he never liked Christmas. Probably because of Rudolf.

He has had nightmares about him, must've been the red nose.

"Mum- is- is santa dead?" Layla looked at me in panic. "HE IS DEAD!!" Lennon teased his younger sister despite only having an hour age gap. Layla began to whimper as tears brimmed the corner of her eyes, "No, Don't listen to your brothers love." I said a bit panicked. "Lennon stop teasing your sister." Liam said, raising an eyebrow at the three from their reactions.

"Father Christmas is alive and well, I saw him at the mall buying gifts." Liam shrugged his shoulders, continuing his dinner.

"I thought he lets the elf make the gifts?"Lennon asked. Liam looked at me, and I gave him a look that also asked the same question Lennon asked. "Well, Father Christmas is on a budget."

"is he broke?" Layla asked, wiping tears. "not exactly no." Liam replied. "then why can't he let the elves make the gifts?"

Liam now looked over at me for help, "Because the Elves are on a holiday, and without elves he can't make his own gifts, now finish up your carrots. Winston I see you scooping the peas to your sister's plate." i narrowed my eyes.

Winston whined, "But I hate the peas, they're mushy."

(a/n ^now the second part is actually based on what my brother had said when my dad asked us about our Christmas letters, yes we still write letters to santa even tho were too old.)

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