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8 year olds are pretty tame. They love their gramma and granda and always bugs me to go and visit them. Quickly forgetting their father, Liam, which was shocking but they made it easier.

Liam has remarried, visits once in a while with his other son Gene and the kids get along. We don't talk, me and Noel do though. And according to him, Nicole and Liam haven't been the very best of lovers and their relationship didn't go as they dreamed of it.

I however, could not care less. I still miss him, every time I see him I am reminded of the days when life was simpler, where had the times go?

Its the summer of 2008, Layla was at a sleepover, Lennon was at a football camp, and Winston was at ma and pa's. The house could've never felt so lonelier. JULY has came out with a new album just last two months ago, so I had nothing much going on for me now since we don't have any interviews or gigs going on until the end of the month.

I want to feel thankful that I finally would get some rest but something inside me wants to get up and take a walk, spend some money, go and celebrate and get wasted like I deserve for finally realising an album for what had seem like forever.

And I listened to that something and got up and put my nicest dress and wore my fancy coat. I did grow into my looks, I had a bit of a mom bod, just a  tummy and a not so wrinkly face yet, I'm around 30, not 50. but i don't mind because I still am making more money than the journalists who likes to shame me for being a mother.

It's been so long since i've wore red lipstick and a pearl necklace. I've got a good feeling about tonight, maybe I should invite the girls.


I did, I invited the girls and they all seemed free too, their kids were either spending the summer with their in-laws, or going to summer school.

We headed to the infamous bar we always went to as 20 year olds and my eyes could not widen any bigger when we spot Damon Albarn with Graham in a nearby booth.

"Is my eyes deceiving me or is that really Finley Ainsworth?" Graham spotted us and I gave a grin. "Hiya!" I near them, my mates behind me. Except Kitty and Kristelle they seemed to already start buying drinks.

Damon turned his head to us and God did he didn't change, looks and personality as he opened his mouth, "Still sexy as ever, Finley?" He chuckled. Damon almost looked like he never aged, he did gain a bit of a dad weight but other than that if it weren't for the bright pink sparkly dresses and fake blondes from the other girls in the bar, I'd still think it was 1995.

"Oh you." I rolled my eyes. "Whats you doing ere?" He asked with a cheeky grin. "to get pissed." I shrugged, taking a seat next to him. Maggie sat next to Graham.

"Hello Gra, how's the wife?" She asked with a soft smile. "Lovely, you? are you married?" Graham asked. "Engaged." Maggie smiled wider.

"And you, Fin? How's the northen prick?"

I laugh, "He got remarried, aint you heard?" I frown a bit. "I know. That means you're-"

"You are a father, Damon." I shake my head. "And you're a mother."

"You're married...?" I wasn't entirely sure.

"Erm, nope-no." Damon chuckled as he pats the seat next to him.

I hesitate a bit, but then fuck that, I'm 30, divorced and my kids only cares if they still get ice cream after dinner. My three have been nothing but understanding about how I feel towards their dad, and how their dad feels towards me. I pity them however, not because me and their dad had separated, but because of the life we brought them onto. The life of having problematic rockstars for parents who had a lot of controversy throughout the 90s music era in uk.

Sometimes I wish they had normal parents, a lawyer dad and a professor mum.

I have been miserable thinking about my kids, but tonight, Maybe it won't be a bad idea that I should focus on having a little fun, I'm free from Liam's jealous gaze as I, sooner or later begun making out with Damon Albarn behind the bar.

And later woke up in a motel bed next to him.

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