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New Year was around the corner, and I don't want to even celebrate it. Not when me and Liam aren't on exactly good terms.

He was always playing with the kids as a way to avoid talking to me.

and i don't care, seeming from what's going on there's a huge possibility that this will be the last time they'll ever see Liam as their father. And not a huge fuck boy who fucks everything he sees and not care that he has a wife.

My dad excitedly runs outside, the clock slowly ticking, 11:29 pm. He has a box filled with firecrackers and all, Winston wanted to help lit them all up as the time pass by quick, sooner or later we were all stood outside counting down with the rest of the neighbourhood.

And as soon as we all yelled 'one'. fireworks started to blast into the sky creating a beautiful show for us. Layla was covering her ears, scared of the loud noise as she clung onto me but the boys were going wild my my dad.

I felt Liams presence next to me but i ignored him as much as I can.

"Happy New Year, love."


"Liam." I called out for him, the kids were settled in bed and so was my mum and dad. He looked up to me as I crawled next to him in my bed. "I think we should get a break." I sighed. Composing myself.

He looked like he was about to cry, his whole face dropped. "You're not asking for a divorce, are you?" he said, his voice a bit shakey. "No, Liam. Even if I wanted to i couldn't bring myself to do that." I sighed, "You love the kids and they love you."

"What do you mean by a break then?"

"I feel like we should give it a rest, the kids can stay with Ma and Pa, their school isn't far from here either." I said.

He gave me an unsure look before nodding. "I'm sorry, Finley. I love you, I love you so much."

I didn't acknowledge what he had said, if he loved me like he said he does he wouldn't have slept with other girls.


The kids are going back to school, we had talked with mum and dad, they said they're happy to watch the kids while we figure ourselves out, the kids didn't care because they'd be at school the whole day anyways.

Liam said he's gonna go on tour and I have a few recording sessions anyways.

So we all had things to distract us from the truth.

"We're gonna stay here with gramma and granda for the month, alright?" Liam told the kids, fixing Layla's blazer. "Why?" she curiously asked. "Because me and mummy will be busy with work." he sighed.

Layla nods, understanding. The boys didn't listen but i'm certain that they'll stay anywhere where there is food and toys.

The kids was driven to school by Liam and I was on my way to the studio, driving my dads car.

Today was gonna be a long day.

(short chap)

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