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a/n two updates in a day bc im gonna be bombarded with projects and modules

Winston has been acting weirdly these days, Finley didn't notice up until now.

The four all sat quietly for dinner but Winston was distracted by something else as he was scribbling on a paper next to his plate.

"Winston, no drawing while eating." Finley sighed. Winston shrugged, and ignored her.

Finley gave him a look before looking at Layla and Lennon for any answers to why their brother is drawing suddenly.

Lennon shrugged, with a mocking smile and Layla continued to eat her potatoes.

"Winston." Finley gave a warning. Winston still didn't listen, too focused on what he was writing or drawing.

Finley dropped her utensils and got up to swipe the paper away from Winston. She didn't rip it, nor crumble it as much. Winston whined, "MUM!" he cried trying to swipe it back but even if he stood on his chair, his mom's arm is long and she is quite taller.

"Sit down and finish your dinner." Finley frowned, "Now what is this that got you so focused, is it maths? You know you can ask me-" Finley paused as she began to read the paper, Winston sat defeated, his head on his palms in embarrassment.

It was a love letter.

'Stacy, will you be my girlfriend? circle yes or no'

and a little scribble of 'Stacy' and hearts.

Finley snaps her head down to Winston who was turning redder and redder as Layla and Lennon gave him mocking faces. Seems like the two already know about Winston's crush.

"Where did you learn girlfriends now, you." Finley gaped. "You're like 7, you should be doing your multiplications now." She held a hand on her hip. "Is this why you've been falling out of your straight As and Bs Winnie? A girl?"

"Muuum.." Winston whined. "No don't 'muuum' me, Winnie-" "Don't call me that." "I'll call you whatever I want, you are my son, and as my son you should be studying and not asking girls to be your girlfriend, a crush could do but honestly Winston? Focus on your studies first before getting a girlfriend." Finley slightly scolded him.

She wasn't mad or anything, above anything she's quite ecstatic, her little Winnie growing so fast, he's now asking girls to be his girlfriend. But he's 7. She doesn't want any mini Liam Gallagher with girlfriends since 6 years old.

"You're just jealous because me and Stacy are in love and you and daddy aren't." Winston grumbled.

Finley gaped at Winston, so did Lennon and Layla who now sat quietly. The silence was deadly. Finley thanked god for giving her the strength to hold herself back as she sighed disappointingly, setting the paper down next to Winston who tried to hide the fact he was guilty of what he just said to his mother.

"I'm sorry." Winston whispered. Noticing how scary the silence was. "It's- It's fine." Finley smiled sadly. "Eat your dinner, you three. I want all plates clean, no peas, no chicken left."


Finley sighed as she finished wiping the now clean plates and putting them inside the cabinets. Wiping the table clean, swept the floor of dust and fixed the kids school bags that were just dropped wherever, picking up some notebooks and pencils.

After she did, she quietly made her way up to the triplets shared room. To her surprise they were all still awake.

Their heads turned to the door, Finley switching on the lights.

She tugged on her sweater as she sat on the middle bed's edge.

Hugging Winston. The hug spoke all kinds of words and showed all kinds of feelings, Layla looked at Lennon and he nods before joining the two in the hug.

The hug was loving, comforting. The type of hug your mum would give you to tell you that it's all right, that she's there, that she wish she was there, that she loves you no matter how many cocaine you snort, no matter how much you dye your hair or get your heart broken, a hug that shares the same sympathy, "i love you, im sorry i dont show it, im sorry im stingy, im sorry im a bitch, im sorry im a cunt, but you're here because i love you. im here because i do not pity you, i love you."

a hug Finley wanted for so long, and for so long wanted to give her kids.

not that they've done what she's done, like snort cocaine till she almost OD'd, or had a big fight with her friend that costed her, her whole life.

it was a hug of reassurance in these type of times,
that says,without him, things won't change for the worst.

"I had a crush too, when I was your age." Finley whispered to Winston. "I regret being his girlfriend so quick, because he liked a girl named Penelope, and she had pink streaks in her hair."

Winston looked up to his mum, and she kissed his temple. "Don't do what I do. Enjoy the feeling of having a crush." she smiled.

Winston snuggled into his mothers arms, and Layla spoke up, "What If I have a crush too?"

Finley looked at Layla, wide-eyed.


"Layla likes Malcolm." Lennon giggled. Finley gaped.

Layla's cheeks blushed red as she grinned and nodded.

Finley looked between Winston and Layla, then at Lennon as if to ask him if he has something to say too, and he gave a look of disgust, "Girls are yucky."

"course they are."

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