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did i mention Lennon was a biter?

because my god.

since the kids are always at school anyways, Kitty and I decided to go and make songs once more. the members of JULY all sat together in the studio, just talking and chatting while me and Kitty occasionally add lyrics to new songs and sort which one should be in the new album.

"How's Poppy?" Maggie asked Kristelle, "She's been wonderful, going through a phase though." Kristelle snickered.

"How about the wedding? I thought it was gonna be at 2001, why the sudden change?"

Kristelle shrugged, "No budget, got busy. We're definitely gonna do it next month though." she said as if it wasn't a big deal.

All our jaws dropped, "What?" Kitty asked, I honestly didn't know she'd be just as surprised, isn't she Kristelle's twin? Has Kristelle haven't told her?

"I know! I know!" Kristelle squeeled, "We've got everything set."

"Congratulations, again!" Maggie hugged her.

"I'd love for the three of you to be bridesmaids." Kristelle says. "Who's the maid of honour?" Kitty asked, "And the best man? who's in charge of music? decorations? how about reception? are you getting on a hilltop like you told me as kids?" She inquired her twin.

"Calm down, Kitty, we'll get into that topic." Kristelle laughed.

Suddenly my phone began to ring, "Sorry-" I pulled out my phone from my pocket and my face immediately dropped to see who was calling.

I raise a hand to ask the girls to be quiet, and they all nod, "excuse me," I said getting up.

I answered the phone, questions and scenarios running through my head. Are my kids getting expelled? Why are the school calling me, my kids have nothing but behaved, straight As.

"Hello, Mrs. Gallagher?"

"Hello, Good Morning, is there any problem?" I asked a bit worriedly. This is the first time i've gotten a call from the school, and honestly, I'm scared. They never call unless the child is in trouble.

"Yes, erm, it seems that Lennon has been having, teething problems..."

"Excuse me?" I asked a bit taken back.

"He's just bitten a classmate of his."


I rush inside the principals office to see Lennon sitting with his head down shamefully. The other kid, which he had bitten i'm guessing, sat next to him, adoring his band aid with teddy bear print, but it's obvious he's been crying on how red he was.

His parents also were there, stood next to the boy, a face filled with fury.

"Mrs. Gallagher." The head greeted me. "What's he done? Oh god,I am so sorry." I gave the parents of the other kids an apologetic look as I rush next to Lennon.

The kids father seemed nice but the mother held a glare that could slit your throat.

The father told me its fine but the mother seemed like she was gonna burst out on me if it weren't for the principal sitting in front of us.

"Mrs. Gallagher, me and Mr and Mrs Atkins have settled things, The nurse had assured that little Malcolm here won't be getting any infection since Lennon doesn't have any flu or of sorts." He began to talk as I stood uncomfortably behind Lennon, shifting my weight from one feet to another as I can feel Mrs. Atkins glare starting to maybe burn my coat.

"I'm so sorry, sir." I apologise, "Its quite alright, according to Me Atkins, however Lennon will have to face the consequences of biting another kid."


"Why would you bite him Lennon?!"I whisper yelled at him as we drove to his dads studio. Lennon held an embarrassed look, almost about to cry as he pouted.

"He was teasing me." Lennon admitted, I sighed, furrowing my eyebrows, "Just because he was getting on your nerves son doesn't mean you should hurt him."

"Im sorry mummy."

I looked at him through my rear mirror, sighing as i parked my car.

"We're here, daddy will have to deal with you." I said with an inhale.

"Lets go, grab your lunch box." I opened the door for him watching him waddle down the high chair.

I knocked on the door for the recording area before opening it. "What're you two doing 'ere?" Liam asked, as Lennon run up to him.

"Hi, sorry to come so suddenly." I sighed, "I like it when you come suddenly." Liam winked at me and i gave him a roll of the eyes, "Ello, Finley." Noel waved at me from the other side of the room and i returned it.

He quickly picked Lennon up with a grunt, kissing his temple before looking at me.

I pursed my lips, "Tell him, Lennon."

"A boy in class was annoying me." He muttered, "fucking hell, what he say?" Liam frowned, "Liam, language." I sighed, "Go on Lennon, tell him what you did."

Lennon looks at me shamefully and avoided his father's gaze, "I bite him." he mumbled.

Liam raised his eyebrows amused, "you bit the git?"

"yeah..." he pouted. "oh, nice."

I smack Liams bicep, "No! not nice."

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