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It's been a while since i've read the magazines, and i decided now that i should, as a way of passing the time.

I turned off the stove and fixed a plate of biscuits (for babies) for the triplets, they're round 7 months now so they can chew a bit. They've also began to roll over and crawl which is a pain in the arse but they've been recently playful, Winston never failed to make us smile whenever he smiles.

Liam was entertained by playing with the babies, always just as happy whenever they'd laugh and smile.

Layla's the most quiet one of the three, always letting her eyes wonder especially now since my dad says that they're at the time they're beginning to see colours.

Lennon is just happy to be there. And he is one amazing of a crawler. We'd be finding him all rolled over, crawled to the other side of his crib to play with some of the toys I'd leave.

I once was dressing him up and he was having none of it and so he just rolled over. Clever guy.

I noticed the cover on the magazine i picked up, i'm sure this was Kristelle's magazine that she left because ever since me and Liam haven't bought one, we had a life now other than music, together.

"Oasis in July? Definitely BABY. Mr and Mrs Gallagher seen walking their triplets last Sunday." I furrow my eyebrow, "From Finley Ainsworth-Gallagher past history of drug abuse, is she even capable of being a mother of not one but three kids? page 11 to find out."

"What a bunch of pricks." I say reading page 11. Most of the context isn't about even my life at the moment but a recap of 1996-7. Do better, Clara Davidson(author of the article).

"Hello love." Liam walks in with an energetic Winston in his arms. "Have you seen this?" I showed him the magazine and his face entirely drops.

"What it say, yeah?" he asked. "That I'm a bad mother because I did drugs. DID. People can change ya know." I shrugged.

Liam sighed, "It's kinda shocking that it took your whole pregnancy and 7 months for them to say something. Longest they've ever done." Liam grinned. "True that," I say as I took Winston from his fathers arms and he began to whimper, "Oh." I gave Liam a look, "looks like someone has a favourite."

Winston began crying when I held him, and I gave a sarcastic look of misery at Liam, "What curse have you put on our child to like you more?" I joked.

Liam laughed as he picks up the plate of biscuits and gave one to Winston calming him down, "aww look at that." I said adoring my baby, "is it good?" i asked, as if Winston can reply, but he just smiled and laughed, "i hope it is. it's expensive, that shite." I whispered to Liam who was making faces for Winston next to me.

I set him down on his walker and went to grab the other two. Lennon obviously on his stomach as he rolled over and Layla just the little bundle of wonder as her eyes settled on the decorated ceiling where i stuck glow in the dark stars.


"Darling, 'ave you seen Lennon's clothes? I picked an outfit for him earlier and it just seemed to vanish-"

I froze entirely to see Lennon all completely dressed wrongly, in his father's arms. "What have you done?" I asked Liam.

"He looks lovely don't he?" Liam grinned proudly, "A little charmer."

Just then Lennon began crying. Liam immediately tried to hush the baby down, "Oh no, do you not think your handsome enough?" Liam frowned.

"Finley, help." he gave me a wince. "He's crying because his clothes are backwards, you tosser." I sighed with a grin, Liam just gave me a pout.

"These baby clothes are so small and confusing, lots of buttons." He said setting Lennon down so I can undress him and fix his clothes.

but he still continued to cry. "Whats wrong, Lennon?" I asked but it's not like he can form words yet to say, "I dont like what I'm wearing," or "Its too hot" something like that. So i tried to find whats wrong, was he hungry? "Bottle, please." I told Liam who obliged and tried to feed Lennon but he just won't and began wailing, waking his sister who just looked at him with her little eyebrows furrowed, mad he had woken her up.

She squirmed around and still had that funny look of annoyance, before also beginning to whimper.

"Feed her, aye." I told Liam as I gave him the bottle instead.

Lennon was turning red on how much he was crying and I feel my heart run fast. I quickly took off his clothes, maybe he is feeling hot. But he still didn't cry.

I was now panicking as I strip every clothes on my baby leaving him in his diapers, just then when I pulled out his socks, i noticed one of the wouldn't fully slide off his small feet.

Turns out a lose thread had managed to tie around poor Lennons small little toe.

"Aww, bet that hurt didn't it? Poor bugger." I sighed, carefully twisting the thread, carefully trying to cut the thin yet strong thread using my nails.

As soon as I did, Lennon seemed to calm down.

I hum, raising the socks to Liams face, "Criminal." he rolled his eyes.

"This is why I dress him." I gave him a smirk and he just frowns. "You dress him like he's been dragged along your sisters make up kit." he mumbled enough for me to hear.

I couldn't help but laugh, but cringe a bit as he was right. I've always dressed Lennon in the awful silver teal shirts and green pants like my sisters eyeshadow palette's.

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