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"I want a divorce."

he said. no emotion, no nothing. his face was blank and unreadable, it was as if he was a robot.

Finley gaped at him, she didn't even realise the tears forming as her heart was pounding through her chest.

she pinched herself slightly, wishing it was just a dream but it wasn't.

she licked her lips as she looked away from Liam.

Liam, from the looks of it, had been crying but it wasn't very obvious, of course he'd hide the fact he cried before meeting Finley.

Those 10 years of their lives together just flashed before their eyes and it was heart wrenching, chest tight in despair.

"okay." Finley whispered, "okay." she choked back a sob. "Im sorry Finley." Liam looked away, can't bear to watch the love of his life crumble because of him. "I just don't think we can do good."


Winston hushed his two siblings as they all shyly leaned on the door, listening to whatever they can hear.

Layla has been complaining that she's hungry and Lennon just wanted to get out of the suffocating room, Winston leading the two out when they heard nothing until they stopped by the steps to the kitchen, hiding behind the wall separating the living area to the dining area.

For a bunch of 6 year olds, they were clever.

Winston placed a hand on Layla's mouth who was about to complain about being hungry.

They all went quiet when they heard their mother sobbing.

"what's going on Winston?" Lennon whispered impatiently. "It's mummy." Winston said, in a hushed and scared tone that they will get caught.

Winston felt his stomach drop, "I- I don't think we should be down here anymore." he says as Finley's sobs get a bit louder.

"I'm not hungry anymore." Layla frowned deeper, her mum being upset made her upset as her lips quivered.

"Lets- Lets go back Winnie." Lennon says with fear in his eyes.

what happened to mum?


The kids all woke up, all frowning and quiet as they ate breakfast with nothing but their forks making the noises. Not even Lennon seemed to be at his usual bickering with Layla.

"Whats this? Why're all you quiet?" Finley asked softly, an eyebrow raised. "When are we going home?" Layla asked.

Finley bit down on her lip, "Today, after school. We'll drive back home." She smiled, hoping they won't barge into Liam and his new family living in their residence.

Liam had told Finley that he still loved Nicole, and even if he didn't he thinks it would never work out for the two. He had told her that chances if she stays at her parents with the kids, he'll give the house to Nicole and Gene.

Insensitive. Pathetic. Desperate. Ridiculous. All what Finley thought of the idea.

He loved Nicole? for all the 10 years, it was always Nicole? What a bastard.

Finley couldn't feel more upset than angry.

She didn't bother ringing Liam they'll be coming back home, after packing the triplets stuff and picking them up from school, they're on their way home.

"right here we are." Finley parks her car by the pavement, "can you grab yer bags, kids?" she asked, removing her seatbelt and jogging to where the kids struggled to pull out their bags. Slinging one over her shoulder as she carried the other two duffel bags, the kids already running up to the front door.

She was relieved Liam wasn't inside the house, nor was Nicole and Gene.

She sets down the bags by the couch as she flopped on the couch.

Her triplets quietly sitting with her, Layla, god bless her, hugged her mother, Winston laying his shoulders on Finley's arms and Lennon was on her lap.

She felt herself getting emotional as the kids cling onto her, she held back a few tears. Kissing each and one of their foreheads.

for that moment did she feel at peace. it has been a long time.

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