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It hasn't been even a month, Finley and Liam were stay at home parents and was it hell.

Winston was the noisiest, yelling and crying especially during his favourite time, 2 at night, waking up not only Liam and Finley, but also Layla. Lennon however was a heavy sleeper some days Finley thought he was dead.

Finley sat on the couch, trying to keep herself awake as she feeds Winston, Liam tiredly flopped next to her after putting Layla to sleep, Lennon just refused to eat and sleep and Liam gave up.

"Alright, hun?" Finley sighed. "Better than ever." Liam said sarcastically, "We should get a nanny."

"It's been 3 days Li." Finley raised an eyebrow, "You think Peggy would be willing to watch the triplets when they get a bit big?"

"Oh she'd be dying." Liam chuckled. Finley noticed the dark circles around his eyes, she lets out another sigh, noticing Winston had fallen asleep, "You should go get some sleep" she told Liam, not looking at him. When she didn't get any answer from him, she turned to see him passed out, tired. His mouth hung open as he lets out tired snores.

She had a bit of a flashback from 4 years ago, where she and he sat passed out asleep in a both after partying too hard in celebration of getting nominated for BRITs.

She hadn't noticed how much she smiles now, as she gave one last smile at Liam. She got up and quietly sets Winston next to his sister.

She slowly got down to see Liam still in his position, snoring.

After picking up some mess, she sat next to Liam, resting her head on his shoulder before drifting to a well deserved sleep.


it's been four months, Finley and Liam didn't have any problems raising the triplets, it can get a bit overwhelming at times, especially for Finley since Liam too will start crying because he doesn't know what to do, one time he thought he's used expired milk for Lennon.

You think it would be Finley being the emotional one in the relationship.

"Finley! Finley darling Is this milk expired! Oh no, Oh no i've used it on Lennon. Will he die? Finley please. I don't know what to do." he whined.

Peggy showed up at Liams and Finleys door to babysit the kids, to give Liam and Finley the break they deserve after working so hard staying at home taking care of the kids for 4 months, only leaving the house to go for a walk, errands and groceries.

For Finley, it only seemed one month.


Me and Liam had a day planned ahead, with Peggy taking care of the kids with Paul, me and Liam can do anything, like sleep the whole day, but we know we won't have any quality time with each other for a while, we ditched that idea and decided to go for groceries together, and maybe just take a day trip, see where our car gas would take us.

I was just eyeing the aisle for oil when i see Liam come near with assortments of sweets and beer.

I gave him a look and he shrugged, placing 3 bags of sour gummies and a 6 pack.

"Beer? It's been a while." I mumbled to him with a grin. "Its for me, you're still not allowed it."

"Hey! Since when did we care about health." I chuckled, remembering how much we drunk and snorted till we pass put, not caring about dying or getting bad health, "Since we became parents." Liam kissed my forehead. "Do we have milk at home?"


We drove around, finding another idea for a date, My eyes lit up when I saw a bowling alley around the corner, "Liam look!," I pat his arms and pointed to the bowling alley.

He gave me a smirk, and i couldn't help but feel like im gonna explode of excitement.

We quickly got into our bowling shoes and Liam went first, he used to be really good at bowling, I wonder if he still has his mojo.

When he tried to let go of he ball it ended up "bouncing" creating a small dent on the alley before getting a strike.



We now are browsing a record store, a very, very old record store. Had all the oldies, The shelves looked like they haven't been updated of the new songs since 2 years ago.

It was nostalgic to be inside a record store that reminded me of 1994 and the first album we've ever released.

In fact my eyes immediately caught a shelf filled with my bands CDs. Liam stood next to me, an amused look in his face.

"I could remember every bit of the day I came inside a record store and saw how many CDs of mine was selling." I looked up to him, eyes glossy.

"Remember what you said back in the Record Store in Manchester?"

I smiled at the fond memory, "I can't believe it's been 3 years." I mutter, pulling out a CD.

I laughed at the cover of the album, I remember me and Kitty disagreeing on what to use as a cover so i just took a picture of her guitar and used it.

Joy Division started playing through a radio, and Liam began swaying to the tune. "I never took you to be the type to dance to Joy Division."I eyed him as he does his weird dance.

He rolled his eyes, grabbing my wrist as he began weirdly swaying my arms, I laugh softly, also beginning to dance weird with him.


We're now having lunch by a nearby old diner, the food here was amazing though. Liam suggested that we order for each other and I thought it was an amazing idea.

The waitress got us our food and Liam gave me the most mockiest look as he saw what I ordered for him.

"What?? It's nice!" I giggled and he mocks me in a high pitched voice. I ordered him some tune club sandwich which he doesn't very much like(he still eats it tho just not his favourite). He ordered me fish and chips, bit plain.

We both enjoyed our lunch, occasional corny jokes Liam had gotten from a joke book i got him when i was mad at him "to help him wise up"

and then we were back home, we've got 6 hours left before we pick up the kids, we to clean up, cuddle and watch The Godfather and then fall asleep.

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