You and I (Jegulus) (Original) (1st Person)

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Ship: Jegulus
Summary: James and Reggie go out together.
Year: regulus is in 5th year and James is in his 6th year.
Words: around 2650 (minus AN)
Type: fluff
TW: slight lily bashing, self-hatred.

Regulus: POV

I look at the boy across the classroom, James potter, either you wanna be him or fuck him, for me, it's the latter, and trust me, I know what you're thinking, Me, Regulus Black, Soon to be death eater and heir of the 'ancient and noble house of black' crushing on his 'brother's' best mate, who is a boy, but, he's hot and it's just a crush, it's not even like anything's gonna happen between us, we don't even talk, we've only had around 1 civil conversation and that was so I wouldn't go insane with Potter patting my head, squeezing my cheeks, calling me cute and calling me 'Reg' and 'Reggie', it made me feel this weird feeling in my stomach, it was barely comfortable to say the least, and the worst part was when he hugged me, he held onto me so tight, you could've thought he was gonna kill me, from what I've said so far you may think James and I are acquaintances, maybe friends, but no, we are NOT, in fact I would more describe our 'relationship' as peers or classmates and also he's head over heels for Evans, Lily Evans, She's perfect, gorgeous, nice and generous and so easy, life with her would be so easy, why would anyone choose him? There are so many other people to choose, so many people that would be so much easier to be with-

"Alihotsy Draught" Slughorn begins to explain, snapping me out of my thoughts, "it induces hysterical laughter to anyone who drinks it or consumes it in any way, any questions?" Slughorn asks he looks around the classroom, nobody has any questions. "ok" Slughorn says walking over the chalkboard writing the ingredients we need with a small stub of chalk,


Pearl dust

Pike Munk leave

Turqotte flower blossoms

Riverside lily stems

'Ok, easy enough I thought looking at the board when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turn around to see My worst nightmare, James Potter, "Hey Reggie, I need a partner, Wanna be mine?" James asks me, a playful smirk on his face,

"uh- yeah sure, I guess"

"Ok, great!" He says, his hand still on my shoulder

"Hey Potter, can you go get the ingredients from the front of the class?"

"Why yes of course Reggie, and also call me James"

"In your dreams Potter" I reply, grabbing my potions textbook

"Every night Reggie," he says walking to go get the ingredients

A light shade of pink flushes my cheeks at his comment.

About a minute later James returns with all the ingredients, all jumbled up in his arms like an idiot.

"I got all of them Reg!" He says dropping the items onto my desk, sliding into the seat next to me, putting his chin on my shoulder,

"Now what do we do Reggie?"

"We put the pike Munk leaves in the cauldron"

"How many?"


"Ok," James says, grabbing the little container of leaves off of the desk opening the lid, counting out 17 leaves and dropping them in the pot,

"Now what?"

"We chop the riverside lily stems," I say grabbing the little bottle of dried flowers from the table

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