They all leave (Jegulus)

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Ship: Jegulus (James Potter X Regulus Black)
Type: Fluff
Tw: Swear words, picking at skin,
Year: Regulus is in 5th year, James is in his 6th.
words: around 1080 (not including AN)
Summary: James is bored, regulus is studying.
Prompt: head in the others lap.

James sat in his dorm room, Bored as hell,
His friends all had plans,
Sirius was with Remus out on a date, James had presumed, Frank and Alice went out on a picnic, Lily was with someone, she refused to tell James who she was with, Peter was off somewhere with some Hufflepuff dude, Marlene and Dorcas were out on a date together,
James had nothing to do,
So he grabbed the map and his wand and muttered the words

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good"

James scanned the map, Looking for names of people he knew,
James smirked to himself, looking down at the map,
He saw a name, his name, in the library,
James put the map away and pulled on his shoes, running out of the dorm room,

He ran to the portrait hole and the said the password then walked through it, the painting behind him,

James hopped down the steps and made his was through the corridor to the library,

James opened the old door, creating a loud creak noise,
Which prompted a shush projected at him,

James mumbled a sorry and made his way to the corner where he knew he would be,

James walked past the rows and rows of books, leading himself in to a corner of the library, where only one person sat in the corner of the library, book up to their nose,

James walked over and sat next to the other,

"Hey, Reggie"

Regulus sighs, he was already having a shitty day and now James Potter was here to make it worse,

"What do you want Potter?"

"I want You, to make Me, less bored"

And again Regulus sighs,

"And how do you suppose I do that?"

"Hmmm" James takes a second before continuing again,

"I don't know, just make me not bored"


"Yes, Reggie?"

"Go away"


"I'm studying"

"Studying is boring" James says, grabbing the book out from Regulus' hands,

"Hey!" Regulus says, trying to get the book back,

"I'm not giving back the book until you make me not bored"

Regulus sighs,

"I can read you a book?"

James eyes him sceptically,

"Which one?"

"To kill a mockingbird?""

"Do they actually kill a mockingbird?"


"Then Not interested" James says, walking over to Regulus' crowded bag of books and pulled out one labeled 'Giovanni's room',

"What's this one"

"Oh uh- Sirius got it for me"

James flipped over the book over and examined the back for just a second before Regulus yanked it out of James' hands,

James turned and looked at him confused,

"Why did you take the book?"

"I- uh- it's just uh- really boring, you wouldn't like it"

"Really?" James eyed Regulus sceptically


"What's it about?"

"It's about uh-"

Before Regulus can finish his sentence James had already ripped the book out of Regulus' hands,

Regulus felt his his heartbeat get faster as James read the summary at the back of the book,
James eyebrows knitted as he read the the words on the back of the book,

James looked up at Regulus,

"Seems interesting, let's read it"

Regulus let's out a breath of relief and James passes the book to Regulus and motions for him to sit on the floor,

Regulus sits on the floor and James sits next to him, a little too close according to Regulus' mind,

Magical time skip

The pair had only got to around page 7 before James laid his head on Regulus' shoulder,
Regulus tried to play it cool but the crack in voice kind of gave him away,

Regulus tried to ignore how his heart sped up when James seemed to nuzzle his face into Regulus' neck, but it was almost too much to bear, he could swear that James could hear it,

Something that you must know about Regulus is that when he gets nervous he does two things,
One being,
His voice cracking, Regulus didn't know where this came from, it seems that it happens to no one in his family except him and his brother, Sirius.
Two being,
Picking at his skin, now Regulus is pretty sure he picked this up from his mother, as a child Regulus got used to seeing his mother missing skin from her fingers, it was mostly on her thumb, it was always pink and raw, it's not like either of them had control of it, it just happened, but Regulus was smarter then his mother, he used healing charms on his fingers, that way, no one would find out and there would be no scars. Regulus knows deep, deep down that he should get help for it, hell there is a lot of things that Regulus needs to get help for, but he can't, he can't tell anyone, he needs to be a perfect, pure blood, straight, heir and if he wasn't (which he wasn't) he needed to take it (which he did),

Regulus is confused as the warmth on his shoulder leaves and he hears shuffling beside him,

That is until he feels the familiar warmth make its way into Regulus' lap,

Regulus' heart could have beaten out of his chest and he himself could have sworn that he was as red as the ruby on his mother's wedding ring,

But, Regulus kept reading, for a solid 4 chapters before James yawned and said,

"I'm bored of this book now"

"Ok" Regulus says, grabbing the small piece of parchment, putting in between the pages and shuts the book, and Regulus being Regulus thinks that James will get up and leave, because that's all he knows, he grew up being told to not trust anyone, to not let anyone in, because if you do they leave, they always leave,

Well not always, because James Potter stayed,
He stayed!
His head still in Regulus' lap,
Regulus awkwardly looks down at the boy below him,

"Soo, what do you want to do now?"

James just laughs and grabs the back of Regulus' head pulling him in for a kiss, which obviously, Regulus returned and at that moment, Regulus knew, James wouldn't leave, and James never did.

The end,

Feel free to point out any mistakes!
Also sorry for the slow update!

Love you all, Di 🧡.

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