Hey Dorki (Dorlene)

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Ship: Dorlene (Dorcas Meadows x Marlene McKinnon)
Type: Fluff and a Teeny tiny bit of angst
Tw: None
Year: 6th year
words: 576 (not including AN)
Summary: Marlene kissed Dorcas last night.
Au: none

3rd person: POV
Dorcas wakes up, being hugged in a blanket that is practically smuggling her, she's so comfortable and content until it hits her, a headache that pounds in her eyes and a flood of memories, the drinking, the partying and, the kiss.

The two girls were sitting next to each other on the couch, knees touching, Marlene's lacy fishnets paired perfectly with her short red dress that just barely covered her 'private areas'. Marlene took the last swig of whiskey from the bottle and placed it on the small table in front of the pair,
"Heyyy, dorky" Marlene says, slightly slurring her words
"Yes, Marlene?" Dorcas asks looking up from her book
"You look very very pretty," Marlene says giggling
"You look very pretty too Marlene," she says putting her head back down,
Without any warning, Marlene grabs Dorcas's chin, pulling her in for a sweet, short kiss,
Dorcas is shocked by the action, her crush of 4 years had just kissed her, she didn't know what to do. Dorcas drops her book and moves away from Marlene, as far as the couch would let her,
Was the last thing the girl heard before running off to her dorm,

Dorcas felt horrible, she,
1. hurt her best friend and crushes feelings
2. She made her think she doesn't like her back
3. Probably made Marlene hate her
4. Her head was aching horribly

She needed to find Marlene and make things right, or at least try to,
Dorcas took off her dress and changed until some more sensible clothing, she put on her socks and Mary Janes before going out on her search,

Magical Time Skip

Dorcas searched everywhere, the Gryffindor common room, the great hall, the prefects' bathroom, their dorm, the kitchens, the courtyard, the black lake, and even part of the forbidden forest, but Dorcas could not find Marlene! There was really only one place that she hadn't checked, the library. Why would Marlene be in the library? Dorcas knew that Marlene hated the library, Marlene was a loud person and let's just say she wasn't the brightest girl out there, she was practically only passing transfiguration from Dorcas' notes, but hey, looking in the library was worth a shot, it was her only shot.
Dorcas opened the doors of the library and to her surprise, she was Marlene sitting in the corner of the library, knees to her chest, head in her hands. Dorcas quickly walked over and sat next to her, putting her hand on Marlene's knee,
Marlene's head shot up from the sudden contact, her eyes bloodshot and puffy,
"Hey, marls"
"Hey dorki," Marlene says, her voice hoarse
"Are you ok? your eyes are all red"
"Yeah, I'm fine," she says, wiping her eyes
"Marlene, do you like me, in like a more than friends way?" Dorcas asks, with this question Marlene's eyes fill with tears, spilling onto her cheeks, Marlene cuisine her head down and starts to speak,
"Yes, I'm sorry I know it's wrong-"
"No, Marlene, it's not wrong," Dorcas says lifting Marlene's head with her fingers
"I like you too, Marlene"
"Y-you do?"
"Yes, I do, can I kiss you, Marlene?"
"Yes dorki, you can kiss me"

The end

AN, I hope you liked it!
Next chapter I plan on doing Wolfstar!

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