You and I (Jegulus) (Rewrite) (3rd Person)

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Ship: Jegulus
Summary: James and Reggie go out together.
Year: Regulus is in 5th year and James is in his 6th year.
Words: 2448
Type: Fluff
TWs: None
Other ships: Brief Marylily and Dorlene

James Potter: Cassanova, Idiot, Sirius' Best Friend and, to his chagrin, Regulus' crush. Potters' messy hair bounces stupidly as he walks into the Potions classroom, Regulus was delighted when he found out that Slughorn believed him to be so brilliant he wanted to move him up a year in his class, but was disgusted that he had to share a class with Sirius and his ridiculous friends, and was incredibly disappointed to find out that he was not in the same Class as Dorcas.

"Alihotsy Draught" Slughorn begins his lesson just as Potter takes a seat, "As we have learned; it induces hysterical laughter to anyone who consumes it in any way, today we will finally brew it, any questions?" Slughorn asks he looks around the classroom, nobody has any questions. "Okay," Slughorn walks over to the chalkboard and writes the ingredients needed with a stub of white chalk with shaky hands, his words are difficult to read


Pearl dust

Pike Munk leave

Turqotte flower blossoms

Riverside Lily Stems

Regulus could brew Alihotsy in his sleep, he attempts to stand to grab his ingredients, intending to work alone, but is stopped in his tracks by the worst possible person he could possibly dream of,

"Hey, Reggie-"

"Don't call me Reggie" Potter's grin grows along with Regulus' scowl,

"I need a partner, want to be mine?" Regulus rolls his eyes,

"Fine. But if you mess up my potions I will gut you like a pig, understand?" Potter nods manically and drops his bag onto the floor next to Regulus',

"Potter, go get the ingredients, and read the labels, make sure they're the right ones, okay?"

"Of course, My Reggie!" Regulus glares holes through Potter's face, "And please, call me James," Regulus rolls his eyes,

"In your dreams, Potter," Regulus pulls his Potions book out from his bag,

"Every night, Reggie!" He winks playfully before turning around to grab the ingredients from the supply cupboard, Regulus flushes red and covers his face with his hands. When Potter returns he drops the ingredients onto the table carelessly and Regulus had to grab the jar of pearl dust before it falls off the edge of the table, Regulus glares at him and Potter shrugs easily and slides down next to Regulus, thighs pressed together, he turns to face Regulus, his chin pokes into Regulus' shoulder,

"How do we start?" He asks, and Regulus ignores the drumming of his heart against his chest,

"We put the pike Munk leaves in the cauldron"

"How many?"


"Okay," James smiles, and grabs the pot of leaves off of the desk and opens the lid, counting out 17 leaves and drops them in the cauldron,

"Now what?"

"We chop the Riverside Lily Stems," Regulus replies, grabbing the little bottle of dried flowers from the table and chopping heads of the flowers, pushing them to the side and cuts the stems into fine bits,

"What do I do now that you're doing that?"

"Use the Crystal stirring rod and stir the potion, 12 times right and 11 times left, got that?"

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