Just Pretend (Jegulus) (Rewrite)

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Ship: Jegulus (James Potter X Regulus Black)
Type: fluff
Tw: Mild swearing
Year: 5th year for Regulus and 6th year for James
words: 820
Summary: Regulus pretends to be James' date.
Prompt: 'Just pretend to be my date'

Regulus sits in the corner of the hall, his date, Sinistra Lowe, had gone to get drinks, which Regulus knew meant she was going to snog guys she was actually interested in, his mother and Lowe's father had chosen each other for their dates. While he awaits for his company  to return snogging, Regulus Accioes a book, his favourite book currently, The Pride and the Prejudice, 

Regulus is so caught up in the pages and the words that are on them, that he doesn't notice James Potter running up to him until it's too late to escape,

"REGULUS!" Potter yells, 

"What do you want, potter?" 

"Look, so, basically, Lily went to the Yule ball with Dirk Cresswell and I need you to pretend to be my date now because I have no date and I don't want to seem lame and not have a date," Potter says it so fast that it's almost incoherent, 

"Potter, I'm not pretending to be your date so you don't seem 'lame' in front of your crush"

"No, no, no, it's not just that, I am 100% over Lily, definitely, but it's also that everybody else has dates and I don't because I was in detention because I dyed Professor Tuttle blue, so I didn't get a chance to ask anyone and I don't want to be the lame guy who shows up to the Yule ball with no date," Potter repeats,

"You've already shown up to the Yule Ball with no date, Potter, and besides, I already have a date" Regulus states,

"What? You have a date? Who?"

"First of all, thank you for believing that people find me attractive and, second it's Lowe"

"Sinistra Lowe?"

"Yes, her"

"She's snogging Avery in a corner"

"Okay, and? She's still my date, I think"

"Pleeeease, regulus, I'll do anything!"



"Even buying me tea every day for the whole new year?"

Potter sighs and agrees

He grabs Regulus' hands with his clammy ones and pulls him into the middle of the ballroom, where a huge group of people are dancing,

Regulus assumed that the Black family madness had finally caught up to him. How could he agree to something as idiot as this?! The whole school could see him and Potter dancing, what If they told his parents? It's not even a what-if, someone is bound to tell, he is going to get disowned and kicked out just like Sirius did, they almost killed him for Salazar's sake! He was half dead when Regulus had found him, and now that was going to be regulus because of this ridiculous decision!

"Regulus" a calm voice interrupted his thoughts

"Yes, potter?" He speaks calmly,

"Are you okay, Love? you seem bothered by something"

"I'm fine" he replies, expert emotion-masking skills at work, 

James gives him a look and Regulus smiles to try to show that he is ok,

And then suddenly, Regulus is being pulled toward the door and is yanked through it by Potter's strong arms, 

"Potter! Why are we outside?"

"Because something is troubling you and you won't tell me what is wrong"

"Nothing is wrong-"

"That's a lie, Reggie"

Regulus sighs, Stupid Saint Potter,

"My parents are probably gonna disown me now because they hate you, they hate you so much, fuck I don't know how they do it," Regulus laughs, "But the scary thing is, I'm not scared of it, I'm kind of relieved, if I'm being honest" Regulus speaks slowly,

"Mmhm" James hums

"I won't have to put up with their Pureblood bullshit anymore" Regulus grins, his hands shaking.

James grabbed Regulus' hands and clasp them tight within his own,

"Reggie, you should come live with me"

"No, I couldn't possibly, I would just be a burden, you don't need to take me into your home, you've already accepted Sirius, I'm sure your mom would be sick and tired of you bringing people home" Regulus attempts to pulls his hands away but Potter's grip is firm, 

"No, Regulus, my mom would not be sick and tired of me bringing people home, she loves it and for you, you would not be a burden, Regulus you are amazing and I am going to move you into my house whether you like it or not," James smiles, 

"I would be out of place-"

"I would make it your new home, you would feel like it's your place, it would be your place Regulus, I will make sure you have a space" Potter smiles


"Really," Potter wraps his arms around Regulus and pulls him in, 

"Thank you," Regulus' voice is muffled from the shoulder of Potter's dress robes

James pulls back slightly, still holding onto Regulus as if he lets go he'll disapear,

"No need to thank me, Reggie"

"I will, whether you like it or not"

James looks Regulus in the eyes and he feels something, something he's never felt before.

"Regulus, can I kiss you, please?"

Before Regulus can think he leans in and presses his mouth to Potter's before pulling away quickly, smiles form on both of their lips,

"James, do you like me in a more than friendly way?"

"Yes I do, Reg"

"Well, I like you that way too."

The end

I hope you liked it, I love you all sm, thanks for reading!

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