Breakable (Jegulus)

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Ship: Jegulus (James Potter X Regulus Black)
Tw: some swears
Year: Idek but at the beginning it's July.
words: around 780 (not including AN)
Summary: Regulus got beaten and disowned by his parents and ends up at James' doorstep (also if it isn't clear James is home alone)
Prompt: breakable (the word literally isn't in it at all lmao)

James looks at the boy before him, beaten and bruised; it was like a repeat of last time, I mean he and his brother looked quite similar (which neither would ever admit),
He had just shown up at the Potter's door about 5 minutes ago and he hasn't said a word since he first got here,
It worried James, was he now mute? Was he never going to speak another word?
(James had picked Regulus up and laid him on the couch; he was just barely conscious.)

James ran up the stairs and opened his mother's linen closet, grabbing a small blanket he ran back down the stairs. James was startled to see Regulus sitting upright on the couch looking around nervously, James quickly ran over to the boy kneeling in front of him,

"Hey, Regulus" James started in a calm voice,
Regulus just looks around, his eyes blown wide,
James hands the blanket out to him nervously, Regulus hesitantly reaches his hand out and gently grasps the soft fabric in his hand.
"It's a blanket, it's soft" James says in the same calm tone, James sighs happily as he sees Regulus' eyes narrow lightly. James reaches out to touch Regulus' arm but Regulus quickly jumps back, his eyes wide and darting around the room in a panic.

"Regulus, hey, it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise" James says, reaching his hand out gently and slowly to Regulus'.

Regulus' eyes fall on James and land on his out-reached hand then back up to James' face.
James gently cups Regulus' face and uses the pad of his thumb to wipe some of the blood coming from Regulus' nose,

"I'll be back in a minute, yeah" James says, letting go of Regulus' face and running upstairs grabbing a small napkin.
James ran back down the stairs and kneeled before Regulus again.
He grabs Regulus' face and wipes the majority of the blood off of Regulus' face.

"There, do you wanna take a shower?" James asks, hoping for an answer,
Regulus looks up at James and stares directly onto James' eyes,

"Later, please" Regulus says in a hoarse voice, he doesn't even sound like himself.
James is shocked for just a second before he calms himself down and replies,
"Yeah, ok. You can shower later, what do you wanna do now?"
"Can I- uh, sleep?" Regulus asks nervously,
"Yes, of course you can sleep, uh- do you want me to help you up?"
"That would be appreciated, thank you" Regulus says letting James pull him up by the arm.


Regulus lays in a bed (he knows it's James', it smells like him),
He has been at the Potters' maybe 2 hours and Regulus is beginning to wonder where James' parents are,
Regulus looks down to see the majority of his cuts and bruises have been healed, he thinks James must've done it while he was sleeping,
Regulus pulls himself out of bed and gets on his feet,
Regulus opens the door and walks down the stairs,

"Regulus!" He hears a voice yell,
"What are you doing out of bed!" James yells, jumping off the couch and running towards him,
"I can't sleep" Regulus says, letting James grab his arms and start pulling him towards the couch James had previously been sitting on,
"Want to watch the telly?" James asks, grabbing the remote from the table,
"Yes, please" Regulus says, letting James drop him on the couch and crosses his legs,

Six months later
It's been 6 months since Regulus had arrived at the Potters'.
It's been 6 months since the Potters' accepted him as their own.

It's been 5 months since James realized he had feelings for Regulus.
It's been 5 months since Regulus realized he held Feelings for James.

It's been 4 months since James acted on those feelings and asked Regulus out.
It's been 4 months since Regulus said yes.

It's been 3 months since James came out.
It's been 3 months since they told Sirius about their relationship. (He was over the moon)

It's been 2 months since Regulus was finally rid of the Black name.

It's been 1 month Regulus said 'I love you',
It's been 1 month since James said it back.





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