Homecoming (Starbucks)

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Ship: Starbucks (James Potter X Sirius Black) (I do not ship them lol)
Type: Fluff, Crack.
Tw: Swear words,
Words: 215 (Not including A/N)
Summary: James and Sirius can't get dates so they go to homecoming together, but only as friends, of course, at least at first.
Prompt: Awkward teenage dances
Au: Muggle, Tonks is the same age as Sirius in this cause I said so

"Why did we even come here?" Sirius complains, sighing exasperatedly, letting himself fall back into the corner of the auditorium,

"Stop being such a downer Siri, this is the only homecoming we will get, its an essential part of the high school experience!" James exclaims, letting his hands fly around randomly,

Sirius scoffs,

"Have you gone mad, Mate? Literally yesterday you were complaining about Lily Evans going with that girl, what's her name, Mary? instead of you. We literally just came here because Peter wanted us to save him just in case his date was weird"

James frowns and Sirius rolls his eyes,

"Seriously, Prongs, this is terrible, Everyone in this room has a date except you and me, Even Snape", Sirius looks over to where Snape is dancing with a girl way too beautiful for him, he must have paid her off, he lets his eyes roam over to Remus, whose dancing with his date, his cousin, her purple hair swaying along to the music,

Sirius scoffs, again,

"Come on, Mate, dance with me", James extends his arm toward Sirius, his smile slowly taking over his whole face,

"Fine, but you owe me", James laughs and pulls Sirius into the crowd of couples dancing,

Maybe Homecoming isn't as bad as Sirius had once thought. 

Hi Guys! I hope you guys liked it! This only took me like 10 minutes so It's not that good, but @AkitaxJamie requested more Starbucks Lol, Enjoy Ig! Love you all, have the day you deserve! 🧡

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