The buzzing of the Mosquitos (Rosekiller)

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Ship: Rosekiller (Barty Crouch Jr. X Evan Rosier)
Type: Fluffish/A tiny bit of angst? It has a happy ending though
Tw: drugs (it's just weed)
Words: 566 (not including AN)
Summary: Evan knows he messes everything up, he just wishes he can find a way to not mess this up (Evan is in love with his best friend)

Barty rolls the joint between his fingers, he's yet to light it, he doesn't know why.

The moon is full he notices as he stares off of where he's sat on the astronomy tower, he listens to the sounds of the night, the owls, the crickets, the buzz of mosquitos.

Barty pulls the lighter out of his pocket and lights the tip of his joint, he watches as the end sets ablaze and turns red, he brings the joint up to his mouth and inhales, enjoying the burn in his lungs, and he coughs out a breath.


Barty frowns and lets out a sigh,

"What do you want, Rosier?"

Evan doesn't answer, but instead approaches and takes a seat next to Barty, he can feel Evan looking at him, yet he doesn't turn his head, he stares deep into the forest, where he can hear the owls, the crickets, and the buzz of the mosquitos.

Barty pushes the end of the joint into his neck, killing the blaze.

He hears Evan sigh,

"I'm sorry, Barty"

"You're sorry? Evan, why would you do that to me?"

"I'm sorry, I was just upset" Evan frowns as Barty still doesn't look at him, instead staring out into the forest.

"You poured pumpkin juice on me in front of everyone, I had to change and I was late for class"

Evan's frown deepens as he recalls the events of earlier that morning,

"I'm really sorry, Barty, I promise, I am"

Barty finally looks up, he looks away from where he was staring into the forest, where he can hear the owls, the crickets, and the buzz of the mosquitos, and he looks Evan directly in the eyes,

"Don't do it again, you arsehole or I swear I will chop your dick off in your sleep, I'm not joking",

Evan smiles and Barty can't resist not smiling back. Barty turns his head to look back out into the forest, he lets his head fall onto Evan's shoulder and can't contain the smile that reappears on his face as he feels Evan's head drop onto his own.

They sit there in silence for a few moments, leaning on each other, looking into the forest where they can hear the owls, the crickets, and the buzz of the mosquitos,


"Yes, Evan"

"We should get back to the dorms, it's getting quite late"

"Yeah, You're probably right"

Barty tries to hide his frown and Evan stands up, pushing his head off his shoulder. Evan sticks out his hand for Barty to grab and he does pulling himself up.

As he stands Evan doesn't let go of his hand,


He grabs Barty's other hand, Barty closes his eyes as he feels Evan rest his forehead against his own,



"I love you,"

Barty breathes in a gasp as Evan continues,

"I love you, Barty, and it may not always seem like it, but I promise I do, and I'm just really stupid and I keep messing up and I'm sorry and I love you so much.",

Barty can't help but giggle as Evan tries to catch his breath,


"I'm sorry",


"I should have never said anything, I'm sorry"

"Evan, don't be stupid,"


"I love you too."

And he leans in, and he kisses Evan to the sound of the owls, the crickets, and the buzz of the mosquitos.

Hi Guys! A special thanks to @DizzyElf2 for the ship suggestion! I hope you like it, I've never read or written Rosekiller before so hopefully I got it right! I Love you all, Di <3

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