Sweet (Wolfstar)

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Ship: Wolfstar (Remus Lupin X Sirius Black)
Type: fluff
Tw: None
Year: 3rd year
words: 182 (not including AN)
Summary: Sirius gives Remus a present.
Prompt: 'Sweets'

Sirius smiled as he was handed the bag by the lady at the counter.
Today he was Going to ask Remus to be his boyfriend!
And no better way to ask somebody out than with sweets!
Sirius grabbed the bag and thanked the woman before walking off,
He was going to ask Remus out!


Sirius walked into the common room, bag in hand, ready to ask Remus out.

Sirius walks into the dorm room, and to his surprise it's empty except for-

"Hey, Padfoot, watchya got there?" Asks Remus, noticing Sirius,

"It's for you" Sirius blurts out and shoves the bag in Remus' arms,

"Oh, ok, thank you!"

Sirius watches as Remus' face lights up as he looks in the bag,

"You got me chocolate!?" Remus asks, excitedly,

"Um- uh- Yeah" Sirius whispers, nervously.

"Anyways, I gotta go!" Sirius blurts and turns around getting ready to run, but he is pulled back,



"Turn around?"

Sirius reluctantly turns around,

Remus smiles,

"Thank you, Sirius"

"You're welcome-"

"Can I kiss you"

"What?" Sirius asked shocked,

"Can I kiss you?


And he does.

The end!

Yay! An Update, I might update occasionally, but not a lot,

Love you all 🧡🧡, bye!


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