Midnight (Jegulus)

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Ship: Jegulus (James Potter X Regulus Black)
Type: Fluffish
Tw: Alcohol (no graphic depictions), Swearing.
Words: 746 (not including AN)
Summary: They shouldn't do this, but they do it anyway. (They kiss at midnight)
Prompt: A kiss at midnight

It's too loud.

Regulus pushes past the people, their cups are overflowing and spilling everywhere, he can only smell the unpleasant stench of alcohol and vomit.

His head is throbbing and Regulus regrets ever leaving his dorm in the first place,

Regulus pushes open the door to the Gryffindor common room and collapses against the corridor, the door suddenly opens again and Regulus whips his head toward it,

James Potter.

Regulus sighs and buries his head in his knees,

"Hey, Reggie, why did you leave?" , James asks, he sounds only a little drunk,

Regulus groans as he feels James sit next to him, they're legs are pressed up against each other.

"I'm not much of a party person." He doesn't even know how Barty convinced him to come here in the first place, fuck New Years.

"Oh," he hears James chug what's left of his drink and then put the cup down next to him,

"Regulus," He looks up, he and James are now making eye contact,

"We should go back inside, I can be with you",


"Let's go." James stands up and reaches his hand out,

Regulus sighs and grabs onto it, pulling himself up,

They walk back into the common room, it's still loud, it still smells like alcohol, but James didn't let go of his hand and it strangely makes it a little more bearable.

He lets James pull him through the crowds of people, They reach a hallway which leads to a flight of stairs and James pulls Regulus through it,

"James, where are we going?",

He stops and turns to look at Regulus,

"My dorm, I forgot to ask. Would you like to go back?",

"No, it's fine." James smiles and continues pulling Regulus down the hallway,

James opens the door to his dorm and pulls Regulus in, the door closes on its own behind him.

James drops Regulus' hand and hurries towards a bed, he gets on his knees and pulls a box out from underneath it,

"What's that?", Regulus asks, walking closer to him,

"It's a stereo,", James says as he pulls the thing out of the box, he pulls a stick looking thing out of the top and begins playing with the knobs on the front of it,

"Oh, what does it do?",

"It's so you can listen to music and stuff," James smiles as the stereo finally crackles to life and the static goes dead, "But you and me are going to use it to listen to the New Years station."

"Oh, Okay.",

Regulus is Frightened as the loud of people screaming booms through the door of the dorm,


"15 seconds, Reggie,", James takes a step closer, they're so close, he can feel James breath on his face,

"14!", The Stereo screams the same as the people in the common room,

"13!", James takes an impossible step forward, he rests his forehead against Regulus', he takes and sharp breath and lets his eyes flutter shut,








"I really want to kiss you,"


"Would that be Alright?"


"Yes, yes it would.",






James leans forward and captures Regulus lips in a kiss, it's just a peck, it barely lasts 5 seconds,

He pulls back slightly, his forehead still on Regulus', 'What a wonderful world", plays through the stereo, Regulus can't help but agree,

"Again?" James asks, a smile growing on the corner of his lips,

Regulus grabs James by the back of his neck and pulls his back into a kiss, it lasts much longer this time, they both pull back, a strand of saliva connects their lips, James laughs and Regulus scowls in disgust.

"I'm tired." James complains, leaning down to rest his forehead on Regulus' shoulder,

"Which bed is yours?",

James points to the bed that he pulled the stereo out from under,

Regulus pushes him down onto the bed and scoffs when he realises that James hadn't been wearing shoes this whole time,

He nudges James to lie down and throws a blanket over top of him,

"Goodnight, James.", Regulus goes to turn but is stopped by a hand grabbing his wrist,

Regulus turns to look behind him,

"Stay", James asks, and how can Regulus resist his puppy dog eyes?,

He kicks off his shoes and climbs into the bed, James instantly snuggles into his side and Regulus is very glad that Barty convinced him to go to this party.

The end

Thank you so much for reading!, I hope you enjoyed it!

- Di 🧡🧡🧡

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