My Moony (Wolfstar)

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Ship: Wolfstar (Remus Lupin X Sirius Black)
Type: fluff
Tw: None
Year: 3rd year
words: 345 (not including AN)
Summary: Wolfstar cuddles.
Prompt: 'your hair is so soft'

Remus sat on one of the common room couches reading a book,

Sirius walked into the common room, determined,

Determined to get cuddles from his moony,
Sirius plops down right next to Remus and sighs,
He doesn't notice,
Sirius sighs again, louder this time,
He STILL doesn't notice,
Sirius sighs again, so loud that the Slytherins might've heard him,

"What do you want Sirius?" Remus says, not looking up from his book,

Sirius doesn't respond, he just puts his head on Remus' shoulder and sighed again.
He knows what Sirius wants, Remus puts down his book, putting the leather strap on the page he was reading, before shutting the book and placing it to the side.
"Sirius" Remus says
"Yes, my Moony" Sirius yawns,
"Did you want to get back to the dorm rooms? it's getting late"
"Yes," Sirius says, nuzzling into Remus' neck,
"Ok, let's go," Remus says grabbing his book, standing up, in turn almost making Sirius fall over onto the seat Remus previously was sat in,
"Come on, Pads," Remus says, extending his hand to pull Sirius up,
"Ok, Moony," Sirius says, grabbing his hand, allowing himself to be pulled up,
Remus pulled him and practically dragged him up the stairs to the dorm room,
Remus opened the door and walked into the dorm room, pulling Sirius with him.,
Remus gently placed his book on his trunk and pulled Sirius close, their noses just almost touching,
"Mine or yours?"
"Yours, it's cleaner"
"Yes, it is," Remus says putting his hands around the others waist,
Remus pulls him and Sirius down onto the bed and Sirius nuzzled his head into Remus' chest and ran his fingers through Remus' hair,
"Your hair is so soft moony" Sirius yawns out, ready to fall asleep,
"Goodnight, Padfoot, I love you," Remus says, placing a kiss on Sirius' hair,
"I love you moony" Sirius says, drifting off to sleep

The end.

I love you all! Di 🧡🧡

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