The rain (Lilcissa)

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Ship: Lilcissa (Lily Evans x narcissa black)
Description: Lily and her crush drink tea.
Year: Lily Evans year, Narcissa is in the same year even though canonically she is 5 years older.
Words: around 450 (Not including AN)
Type: Fluff (kind of crack)(and it's cheesy) (I'm sorry my lovelies)

Lily Evans, sits in bed listening to the rain tapping her dorm window, Lily hates the rain, It's cold, It ruins your hair (god knows she heard Sirius complain about it enough), it makes your clothes all sticky and it makes them stick to your body, and worst of all Your makeup runs down your face (which to lily is the worst thing in the world because it seems as if everywhere she goes her crush is there too, and nobody wants their crush to see them with mascara running down their face). 

Lily gets out of her bed and ties the laces to her old boots and pulls her jacket on, Lily soon leaves the warmth of the Gryffindor common room and makes her way to the kitchens, Lily knows it's wrong, It's way past curfew, But the scones and tea are to die for on a cold night.

Lily walks into the kitchen and is blasted by the heat of the ovens and chattering of the house elves and is stunned when she sees another person, no, not just another person, her crush!

Abort mission!

Lily begins to turn around but before she can leave,

"Hey, Evans" Narcissa's sugar-sweet voice travels the room, "Uh- Hi Narcissa," lily says nervously
"It seems we had the same idea tonight huh?" Narcissa asks, taking a bite out of her cherry scone, "Uh- yeah, it seems so"
"Would you like to come over here, and drink tea with me?" Narcissa asks, taking another bite of her scone, "Um- yes, that would be lovely" lily beams, walking over to Narcissa with a growing smile on her face,

"So, Evans, what's your favourite type of tea?"

"I like lilac tea, you?" Lily states, sitting next to Narcissa,

"I like chamomile," she says grabbing her mug and taking a sip of it,

"Do you like girls?" Narcissa says so naturally like it's a completely normal question to ask to someone you've had 3 actual conversations with!

"Um- I, Um-"

Lily is cut off by Narcissa laughing and grabbing her chin,

"Is this okay?" She whispers, leaning in closer, 

"I -um yes," lily says, shocked,

Narcissa gently places her lips on Lily's,  just for a second, She pulls back smiling, Lily fucking hated the rain, But she would 100% live in a world where it rains every day to see her smile.

I'm so sorry it took so long, school has been hard on me, sorry for the shitty chapter.

I love you all, Di. 🧡

(Edit, My god the grammar and spacing on this were horrible, 😭)

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