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Lynn is the 21 year old daughter from Judith and the well known Athelstan.

She lives in Wessex. The city where she grew up in. She grew up just like any other child in Wessex, but with a few exceptions. She was able to learn the art of sword fighting and her mother let her choose what she wanted to believe in.

Lynn had this choice because of Ragnar Lothbrok and her father. When Athelstan left Wessex, Judith found out she was carrying a child.

Athelstans child.

A few years later after the news, Ragnar Lothbrok and his men returned to Wessex to rest and talk about creating new villages. This is where Athelstan first met his 6 year old daughter Lynn.

Ragnar Lothbrok congratulated both Judith and Athelstan with their daughter. Athelstan was a bit disappointed, cause the past six years that he was with Ragnar he never knew he had a child..

But this didn't matter, cause they bonded very fast and Lynn quickly realised that Athelstan was her father.

Ragnar saw something different in this kid. He saw how Lynn already learned the techniques of sword fighting and said that he always looked at a mini Lagertha.

Ragnar started telling Lynn stories about the life of a viking and other well known things in the viking world like Odin and Valhalla. He also learned Lynn their language. Lynn got very interested in the viking side and that's why her mother gave her the choice to choose where she wanted to believe in.

Was she staying with the god they knew in Wessex or would she believe in the gods of the vikings? Her mother always thought she stayed with the god from Wessex, but Lynn knew she was gonna stay at the side of the vikings.

Ragnar and his men left, but Athelstan was able to stay and see how his daughter grew up. Ragnar also got land in Wessex to start a mini village, because the ground in Wessex was great to work on.

10 years later Ragnar returned to Wessex, but this time he brought Lagertha with him.

Lynn was 16 years old.

When Lagertha met Lynn they clicked inmediately and Lagertha started teaching Lynn more and more about the vikings and the techniques of sword fighting. After a few months Lynn was able to beat Lagertha in a fight! Lagertha was proud and almost saw Lynn as her own daughter.

Athelstan always said that she had a mom in Wessex and a mom on the vikings side living in Kattegat.

Now that Lynn was sixteen she had the looks of a princess, but the mindset of a viking. And that's what Ragnar and Lagertha loved so much about this girl. Lynn also looked nothing like her parents and that was also something Lagertha found special about Lynn.

Lynn had blonde hair, but her parents hair color was dark brown. And Lynn her eyes were blue and her parents eyes were brown.

It is now 5 years ago since Lynn last saw Lagertha and Ragnar. She's 21 now and a well known girl in Wessex. She still lives in the palace with her mother and her dad left with Ragnar so she hasn't seen him for a while, but he promised he would visit before she turned 21 so that's what Lynn was hoping for.

In these 5 years King Ecbert made some decisions that Lynn didn't fully agree with.. Like burning down Ragnars village and killing its inhabitants.

If Ragnar found out he was gonna be pissed!


In those 21 years Ragnar had more sons. Four of them with queen Aslaug.
One of them was Hvitserk. Same age as Lynn, but still a few months older.

When Ragnar his sons except Bjorn grew up Ragnar used to tell them stories about his trips to Wessex. And also about Athelstan and his daughter Lynn.

Bjorn also told the boys stories about the trip, cause he always came with his father and also met Athelstan, Judith and Lynn. And just like Lagertha and Ragnar he also created a bond between the two of them.


Eventually Ragnar heard about his village in Wessex that got burned down by king Ecbert. So Ragnar declared the war.

Ragnar wasn't able to go to Wessex himself, but he made sure Bjorn was the leader and that his sons would go with him, but before they left Ragnar told them one thing.

'Don't lay your hands on Lynn..'

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6 year old Lynn ^^^^

21 year old Lynn as a soldier for Wessex

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21 year old Lynn as a soldier for Wessex. ^^^^

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