Chapter 6

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Place: Kattegat

>~- Hvitserk Pov -~<

We finished dinner and Lagertha asked me to show Lynn her room

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We finished dinner and Lagertha asked me to show Lynn her room. I knew that we had one spare room at the back of the building which was exactly next to my room. We walked through the hallway and I opened the door at the very end.

I held the door open for Lynn to go in first. 'This is your room.' I said with a light smile. 'It's beautiful.' she said while looking around. She walked over to the bed and layed down on her back. 'I'm so tired.' she said. I laughed lightly. She laughed aswell. 'Well goodnight then.. Lynn.' I said while smiling at her and closing the door. But just when I was about to close the door she called for me. 'Hvitserk!' I opened the door again. 'Yeah?' I asked her. She looked at me with a smile. 'Thank you for catching me.'

I looked at her and felt proud. I nodded a no problem and said goodnight one last time before closing the door and leaving her alone to get some rest.

I walked back to the big hall where we all had dinner a few minutes ago and I saw Ragnar grabbing his axe. I looked to the other side of the room and there were Ivar and Sigurd standing with their axes.

Lagertha came in at the same time as me and we both knew what we had to do. Just when the three guys wanted to go fight eachother we jumped in between them. 'Let's not do that shall we?' I said while fake smiling.

When Ragnar calmed down I saw that Sigurd was blaming Ivar for taking Lynn with them and Ivar didn't like that comment that much. They started yelling at eachother. But then Bjorn and Ubbe marched in.

'What is happening here?!' Bjorn yelled while looking at Sigurd and Ivar who almost started fighting. 'You two need to grow up!' Bjorn yelled while pointing at Ivar and Sigurd. 'And to make a point in the conversation. It was all of our faults that we took Lynn. Not just one. All of us.' Bjorn said.

Me, Sigurd and Ubbe nodded. Only Ivar kept looking at the ground still pissed off. 'Where is Lynn now?' Ubbe asked.

'She's sleeping.' I answered.

'Well not anymore don't you think?' Bjorn asked Sigurd and Ivar. But before Ivar wanted to say something in his defense Ubbe and Bjorn left. Sigurd followed. Ivar left a few seconds after. 'It was a long day.' Ragnar started. 'You should get some rest aswell. Just ignore your brothers for now.' my father looked at me with a smile. I turned around and wanted to walk to my room, but my father called for me. 'Hvitserk.' I turned back around. 'Yes?'

'Thank you for catching Lynn.'

>~- Ivar Pov -~<

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