Chapter 7

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Place: Kattegat

>~- Lynn Pov -~<

I woke up by the sounds of birds chirping outside. I sat up in my bed and looked around remembering the events from yesterday.. I heard footsteps walking towards my door. The door opened and in the doorway stood Hvitserk. 'Goodmorning Lynn! Slept well?' I nodded a yes. 'Yes what about you?'

'Yeah me too.' Hvitserk said with a light smile. 'Ehm there's breakfast in the hall if you're hungry sooo..' he scratched the back of his neck not knowing what else to say. 'Yeah I'll come in a few minutes I just need to get dressed.' I said while returning the smile to Hvitserk. He nodded and wanted to close the door again, but just when the door was about to close he opened it again with a questioning face. 'Hey Lynn I've been thinking.. Since you got here you haven't mentioned a single thing about Wessex, your family or going back.. Why is that?'

I started thinking. He made a pretty good point, cause I didn't mention it at all yet. 'Hmm.' Hvitserk was still looking at me waiting for an answer.

'I mean I think it is because of a few reasons.' he looked at me and laughed lightly. So did I. 'I have time.' he said while still smiling. 'Alright sit down.' I said and tapped the other side of the bed. Hvitserk sat down and I started talking. 'Well I think it is because one, my parents nor my family came after me yesterday when they knew I was gone. Two, I've always dreamed about going to Kattegat since I've first met Ragnar. He always used to tell me story's about it which made me more and more curious every day.' Hvisterk smiled and I continued.

'Another thing is that my dad always told me he would take me to Kattegat someday, but then he died.. That's what Ragnar told me. He told me my dad died in battle. Fighting for what's good. That's why I'm not sad.. Well I had a few dark days but now I know that my dad was strong and that he didn't die for nothing. That's also why I wanted to see Kattegat for myself. It's the place where my dad grew up basically.'

Hvitserk listened to my story and I saw that he truly understood what I was saying.

We talked for a while till Hvisterk left the room for breakfast. I quickly got changed into the same dress as yesterday and made my way to the hall. There was everyone already waiting for me. I quickly took my seat next to Hvisterk and we started eating.

>~- Hvitserk Pov -~<

I was sitting next to Lynn

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I was sitting next to Lynn. We were all eating in complete silence enjoying the breakfast. I was still thinking about the story Lynn told me. The reasons she didn't mention going back yet.

And the story of her father. She knew the other side of the story. Everyone knows that her father didn't die in battle, but that he died because Floki killed him, but we weren't gonna tell her that. It would break her. So last night we all decided to not tell her the truth about what happend to her father. I got taken out of my thoughts by Ragnar standing up.

'I want to say something.' he said while looking around. We all stopped eating and listened to Ragnar speak. 'I want to go to Paris.' he said with a smirk. I looked at him with wide eyes.

'And my question is, who wants to come with me? To plunder Paris!' I looked around the table and the hands of my brothers already came up in the air.

I saw that Lynn was slowly getting her hand up, but just before everyone could see it I grabbed her hand. She looked at our hands and then back at my face. She had that look on her face that basically meant: what are you doing.

So I let go of her hand and she raised her hand. A few seconds later so did I. So now everyone was going to Paris.

Ragnar told us that his brother Rollo was coming with us too. And then we finished eating. I stood up and made my way outside to get some air and to my surprise Lynn was there aswell.

'Hey, ready to go to Paris?' I asked her while standing next to her looking st the view. 'Yes very! My mother always used to tell me story's about how rich that country was and now we are going to plunder it as Vikings. I'm way to excited for this.' she answered with a huge smile on her face. I smiled back.

'But ehm- Hvitserk.. Why ehm- why did you grab my hand earlier?' I had no idea what to say. So I made something up really quick. 'Well I thought that if you raised your hand too early my father wouldn't let you go.'

Lynn laughed at this comment. 'Ragnar would never leave me.' I smiled at her comment cause I knew it was true. My father said it himself. In fighting she's almost as good as Lagertha.. Maybe even better. 'Yeah okay true.' I said with a light laugh.

'I'm excited to plunder Paris together Hvitserk.' Lynn said while giving me some kind of side hug. 'Yeah me too.' I said while hugging her back.

>~- Lynn Pov -~<

I was side hugging Hvitserk and we were enjoying the view. I didn't know why I liked Hvitserk so much. He was the only one that was kind to me since the beginning. He caught me when I fell of the wall. On the boat he helped me clean the scratches on my face and he didn't say one bad thing about me.

I still wonder why Ragnar didn't tell me anything about his other sons. Except for Bjorn I already knew him.

Hvitserk broke the peaceful silince by grabbing my wrist. 'Where are we going?' I asked him.

'You'll see.' he said while laughing. And I laughed aswell.


Hey everyone! Author here!

Thank you guys soooo much for giving me writing motivation again! I hope you guys will like the upcoming chapters!

As you maybe already noticed I don't have the events in order, this is because I don't want it to be an exact copy. :)

If you have more suggestions than let me know andddd see you in the next chapter! Byee!! <3

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