Chapter 4

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Place: Kattegat

>~- Hvitserk Pov -<~

The boat stopped and I grabbed all my stuff to leave the boat, but before I left my eyes shot to the girl still sleeping at the other side of the boat

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The boat stopped and I grabbed all my stuff to leave the boat, but before I left my eyes shot to the girl still sleeping at the other side of the boat. I made my way over to her and tapped her on the shoulder lightly so I didn't scare her. She woke up and she looked around. I saw on her face that she was amazed with what she saw, but also a bit scared.

I gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back.

I still couldn't see her face though, cause everyone had cleaned themselfs up except for the people we brought with us. I hold out my hand for her to grab it. 'Come on let's get you cleaned up.' I had no clue if she had any idea of what I just said and I also had no idea if Ivar was telling the truth. Can she really understand our language. I helped her out of the boat and wanted to walk away, but Ivar stopped me with Sigurd following him. 'Where do you think you're going brother?' Ivar asked me. I knew that he meant what I was gonna do with the girl.. 'Well I was about to get somwater for her so she could clean her face.' I answered in all honesty.

'Brother.. Let me just tell you that she's gonna be my slave. Not yours.' Ivar said while looking from me to the girl and back. 'Ivar I understand, but we can't show her to father with all the mud and blood on her face.' I said.

'You're right, but the other slaves will take care of her. Now go help the others you can't see her anymore.' Ivar said with a grin.


>~- Lynn Pov -~<

Hvitserk left. I knew I hated that Ivar person from the moment I've met him.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. 'I know you can understand what I'm saying so you don't have to act like your dumb.' he said completely pissed off. Did Hvitserk piss him of that much? Wow.

'Well?!' he said while looking at me. 'Did the girl lose her tung?'

'Oh shut up Ivar.' I said back angrily. He grinned, but not in a very friendly way. He continued dragging me towards something that looked like small cabin and when he opened the door he pushed me inside and locked the door. Now I was the only one inside and Ivae just locked me up.

'Hey! Let me out!' I yelled while knocking on the door. 'Clean yourself up I'll be back in a few minutes!' he said still pissed off. 'You need to impress my father so try to look nice.' he said.

I scoffed.

I turned around. Back facing the door. I saw a bucket of water, a chair with a clothing piece on it and there was a little table with a plate of food and a glass of water. Well.. I don't wanna be killed so I better listen to him.

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