Chapter 9

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Place: Kattegat

>~- Hvitserk Pov -~<

I saw Lynn with a sword so I went over to her

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I saw Lynn with a sword so I went over to her. 'Nice sword you got there!' I said to her. She smiled at me and said: 'Thanks, got it from Ragnar.' I smiled at her and and a few seconds later I saw Ubbe making his way towards us.

'We have a meeting about Paris!' He yelled at us. Lynn put her sword away and together we followed Ubbe into the big hall. Everyone was sitting around the table.

We took a seat and grabbed ourselves a drink.

'We're leaving for Paris tomorrow so we want everyone to be ready for it!' Said Ragnar loud enough so everyone could hear. 'We're leaving as soon as the sun comes up so be ready, because we don't want to walk behind on scedule.' Everyone nodded in agreement. 'How are we attacking?' A random dude yelled from across the room. 'Great question!' Ansewered Ragnar. 'Great question. Well I dont know yet. We don't know these people.. We don't know their language, their attacking techniques. So we have to put up a camp first so we can use the first few days to analyse the situation. After that I'll come up with a plan.'

Everyone thought it was a great idea so everyone continued chatting and drinking.

I made my way over to Lagertha, cause earlier today she mentioned something about a letter to Wessex. 'Hi Lagertha, how is the letter for Wessex doing?' Lagertha poured me another drink and said: 'It's almost finished. I'll finish it this evening and give it to my maid so she can bring it to Wessex.' I nodded and walked back to my place at the table

>~- Ivar Pov -~<

'I'll finish it this evening and give it to my maid so she can bring it to Wessex

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'I'll finish it this evening and give it to my maid so she can bring it to Wessex.' I heard Lagertha say. An idea came to my mind so I quickly made my way over to Sigurd.

'The letter to Wessex is almost done so they'll know that Lynn is here very soon.' I said to him.
'Okay... and?' Sigurd answered. I sat down next to him and started whispering to him so no one else could hear us. 'What if we mess with this letter? I want to kill king Ecbert and this would be the perfect opportunity.. If we write king Ecbert a letter telling him that we killed Lynn he's definitely going to get his revenge. Perfect opportunity to kill him if I say so..' I said with a grin on my face. Sigurd started smiling aswell.

I was still angry about it. How could my father let this happen! Our people were in those villages.. The villages that got burned to the ground by king Ecbert and his men.. We have to kill him! That's the only way to show the people in Wessex that you can't mess with our people. The vikings.

Sigurd agreed with my idea so we went outside to discuss the plan. And to ofcourse write a fake letter.

We finished the letter and Kattegat was asleep. I walked over to the great hall and saw a maid slip out with a hood over her head. That must be her.

I made my way over to her. 'Have you received the letter from my mom?' I asked her. She didn't answer so I repeated my question but with a stern voice. She got scared and answered me: 'I'm going to get it right now..'

I laughed. 'I have it right here.' I got the letter out of my pocket and handed it to the maid. She took it and put it in the bag she was carrying with her. 'Don't open it. Give it to king Ecbert and come back immediately.' I said to her. She nodded and walked away. I smiled and made my way to my room. This is gonna be fun.
Hii everyone thank you sooo much for reading this story! I promised you guys an update so here it is!
It's not the longest chapter, but the upcoming chapters will be longer!❤️

Enjoy the rest of the story!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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