Chapter 2

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Place: Ocean / Wessex

>~- Ivar Pov -~<

It was very early in the morning

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It was very early in the morning. My brothers were still sleeping, but I was fully awake. I couldn't sleep. So I looked at the moon and the stars that filled the clear night sky..

Slowly everyone started to wake up and to prepare for battle. 'Do you think we should attack inmediately or do you think we should build a camp first?' Sigurd asked Bjorn. I looked at Bjorn waiting for his response. 'I think that the Wessex soldiers will be ready with an army outside the gates. So we can't put up a camp.' Bjorn looked at the shore that came closer.

'And on the other hand. We have no intention in staying.' Bjorn said.

Okay he did have a point, but my mind was somewhere else. What if we claimed the land and just took over Wessex?! I kept my thoughts to myself, cause I was sure that if I mentioned one of my ideas Bjorn would bring up the things my father said.. So I remained silent and agreed with his plan.

A few minutes later everyone was ready. Bjorn held one final speech and then it was time to leave the botes and start walking towards the town of Wessex. When I got out of the boat you could already see the walls of Wessex in the distance. And in front of it a lot of Wessex soldiers.

'Everyone ready?' Bjorn asked. We all nodded. 'Let's go then!'

We made our way towards the gates, but we kept our distance between the army of Wessex. Bjorn told us all to stay back, cause he wanted to talk to one of the Wessex soldiers first.

I ofcourse protested.

'Bjorn what do you want to discuss with them?' I asked confused. 'We're here to burn their town down not to bargain or anything like that!' I looked at my brothers to see if anyone  would back me up, but none of them spoke up. 'This is all about that girl again is it?!' I yelled at him angry.

He turned his head to look at me angry, but he kept walking.. He eventually started talking with a soldier from Wessex, but returned inmediately.

Bjorn looked angry.

'Let me guess..' I started. Bjorn was pissed! 'He said something you didn't really like?' I asked in a sarcastic sweet voice.

'Attack!' Bjorn yelled.

We started running and yelling! Let's get our revenge!

Place: Wessex

>~- Lynn Pov -~<

I was standing on top of the wall. Looking at the fight. I saw people get slaughtered, I saw axes and swords smashing in to eachother.

I had split the Wessex soldiers into two groups. The first group would be fighting outside the walls and the others would fight inside the walls with me if the vikings got through. I was looking at the battle, but I saw that the vikings had a huge advantage..

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