Chapter 3

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Place: Wessex

>~- Ivar Pov -~<

Me and my brothers were standing in a circle around her and she became alert of our presence

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Me and my brothers were standing in a circle around her and she became alert of our presence. She stopped fighting the other soldiers and put all of her attention on us four.

Sigurd was the first one to attack her. He didn't have any patience at all. A sword and an axe smashed into eachother, but the girl won pretty fast, cause she made Sigurd trip. This made Sigurd angry so he stood up and called for us to help him.

'Don't just stand and watch! Help!' he yelled. So we helped. The only sound we heard were our axes smashing into her sword, but she blocked all of our hits with succes. After a few minutes of fighting she started to run out of breath. You could tell by the look she had on her face.

There was still blood dripping down her face which made her look powerfull! And I knew that my brothers were thinking the exact same thing.

I wasn't paying attention for two seconds and when I looked back she was running towards the walls with my brothers following her. I saw how she climbed up the wall and how she kicked Sigurd in the face half way up. I loved it.

>~- Hvitserk Pov -~<

She was climbing up the walls and me and my brothers were following her

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She was climbing up the walls and me and my brothers were following her. Except for Ivar he was just looking from a distance.

Why didn't he help?

Then Ivar came running towards us. He was probably just zoned out for a second. Both Sigurd and Ivar started climbing the wall aswell only for Sigurd to be kicked in the face. He fell and landed in the mud. This made me and Ubbe laugh. Sigurd was just pissed. He stood up and walked away.

Me and Ubbe laughed and continued looking at Ivar who was also trying to climb up the wall. He was standing on the wall and starting fighting the girl, but Ivar stepped a little bit to far to the sight and fell off right onto a haybale. He's lucky that that haybale was there otherwise he would've had a bigger injury.

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