Chapter 8

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Place: Kattegat

>~- Lynn Pov -~<

Hvitserk was still holding my wrist while we were walking in the middle of Kattegat. I had no idea where we were going but we passed Lagertha and she wanted to talk with me. So Hvitserk let go of my wrist and we said our goodbyes.

Now I was left with Lagertha and the first thing she did when Hvitserk left was giving me a big hug. 'Lynn it has been so long! Me and Ragnar still feel so bad for meeting you in this way, but we're happy you're not mad.' she said with a light smile. I smiled back. 'But look at you all grown up! You turned into  the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.' she said while letting go from the hug.

'Thank you Lagertha.. It has indeed been soooo long! I've been waiting to finally see Kattegat with my own eyes.' I said smiling. 'Don't you miss your family Lynn? They must be worried. I can get a boat ready by morning.' Lagertha said while looking at me kindly. I was silent, but Lagertha was able to read my face. 'I know what that look on your face means Lynn.' she said with a small laugh while giving me a side hug. 'you don't want to go back, but we do need to let your family know that you're save. So I'll make sure that we send a letter.'

I quickly nodded a thankyou and we continued our way through Kattegat. On the way we bumped into Bjorn.

'Can I borrow Lynn for a sec?' he asked Lagertha. She nodded and left us. Bjorn told me to follow him and we went to a place where it wasn't as crowded.

>~- Bjorn Pov -~<

My mother left and I turned to Lynn

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My mother left and I turned to Lynn. I gave her a big hug. 'Long time no see Lynn.. Sorry we had to meet again this way.' he said.

'It's not your fault Bjorn..  You guys didn't know I was fighting with the Wessex army and you didn't notice that it was me.. It's no problem.' I looked being a bit upset with myself.. 'yeah but it's my fault that you got hurt and that you're here right now. Lynn.' Lynn looked up and gave me another hug. 'Did my mom tell you about the letter we're going to send?'  I asked. She nodded a simple yes.

'Are you sure you want to come to Paris? Cause I don't want you to get hurt.' I said while looking down at her. 'I chose to come with you guys so of course I'm coming to Paris. And my family doesn't have to be worried when they find the letter.' I nodded and smiled. I gave her another hug and said my goodbyes. I would speak to her later again.

>~- Lynn Pov -~<

Bjorn left and I made my way into the forest. Before Bjorn left I quickly asked the directions to the house of an old friend. When I arrived I knocked in the door.

No reaction..

I knocked again and still no reaction..

I walked past the house to be greeted by the water. And there I saw my old friend working.

'Floki!' I yelled while making my way over to him. He turned around and a smile appeared on his face. 'Well Lynn long time no see! Look at you all grown up!' he gave me a big hug which I returned. And there was someone else that heard us yelling, because Helga walked towards me aswell. 'Oh look at you Lynn!' she said while hugging me. 'How did you get here?'  she asked while holding her one hand on my back.

'Oh that's a long story!' I said while laughing. 'We have all the time in the world.' Helga said while looking at me. I saw that Floki looked at Helga in a confusing way. He had to build every single boat for Paris so he definitely didn't have all the time in the world. But.. He still decided to listen to the story.

'Wait before you tell us how you got here let me make us something to eat and let me grab some clothing for you. Cause knowing you, you don't really like wearing dresses all the time' she said while winking at me.

Helga and Floki also came to Wessex with Ragnar when I was sixteen and that's when I met them. Floki always used to tell me beautiful storys about the gods and about the boats he used to build.

After a few minutes I changed into a new set of clothes and we were sitting around the table eating some soup that Helga made. It was delicious!


I made my way back to the throne room and that's where I saw Ragnar. He told me he had a surprise for me. I didn't have any weapons left cause they disarmed me in Wessex so I wasn't able to defend myself.

He gave me a beautiful sword and again apologized for the way his sons took me here. And again I said it was no problem. He accepted my answer, but I knew that he thought something else..

I thanked him for the sword and made my way outside to practice with it, but just when I was practicing I saw Hvitserk coming.

Inspiration source;

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The outfit Helga gave Lynn ^^^^^

The sword Ragnar gave Lynn ^^^^^

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The sword Ragnar gave Lynn ^^^^^


Hello everyoneeee!

Omg it has been such long time since I did my last update I'm sooo sorry!! But from now one this story will be active again!

If you have any ideas let me know! And let me know what you think about the story so far in the comments! :)

Byee!! <3

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