the rabbit

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Nikolai: Hm.. why am I up..?

* glares at clock *

* it reads 3:27 A.M *

Nikolai: Oh..god..

* he hears a creek *

Nikolai, sitting up: Huh..?

* the door opens slightly* 

Nikolai, knowing his door was shut when he fell asleep: Alright! Who's there?!

* the door opens more * 

* Nikolai shakily walks towards the door*

* he opens it *

* in the dark hall is a tiny, scrawny, familiar stuffed rabbit *

Nikolai: ...What...?

* a fire burns within its eyes *

Nikolai: that's creepy..

* the fire continues to spreed in its eyes, then literally starts to set fire to the rabbit.*

* the rabbit's fire then spreads across the room, until it's all in flames *

* Nikolai feels his hands, they are not the same he had minutes ago* 

* the rabbit started morphing into a dog-like creature*

Nikolai: Huh?-

* he covers his mouth with his hands, realizing that it was not even his own voice*

* the dog-rabbit plush, partially on fire, walks near him*

* it opens its makeshift jaw and rasps some sort of prophecy*

' Two lives you will lead'

'One to burn, one to bleed.'

'Friend in first, Foe in last.'

'Learning the future through the past.'

'Timelines will collide.'

'As you both know a person who connects the lines.'

'She may be the source that reveals the truth.'

'She will never understand without proof.'

'Apon this garden, she picks one, and is stuck with the other,'

'The three will have bonded fates with one another.'

*Nikolai can see flashes of images that feel both new and old*

*he then wakes up*

Nikolai: How drunk was I?

* he sighs in relief to be himself again *

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