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They grabbed the corpse. "'s raining..?" Rosalie said, soundly like a question because of how confused she was. It was sunny earlier! "Well we should still hurry." John replied.

They make it to the front yard. The town was dead quiet. All the houses were empty and dark. "What sort of dystopian nightmare is this..?" Thiago mutters. "Grab a shovel, everyone." Alab orders.

The eight dig a hole. "Is it some sort of custom to pour vinegar on a body?" Kim-ly asked. "Not that I know of. Maybe we should just set it by the buried spot." Nikolai said. The body was dropped into the pit and buried.

They plant the flower there and set a bottle of vinegar next to it. The group goes silent.

The only noise they hear is the rain. The pitter and patter. Then a hiss. The beach house sparked up in flames. It had an angry glow to it. Some sort of smoke rose from the burial. The smoke shaped up to a young boy's face. 

"..You've killed so many and trapped many more. That is enough. You do not need more victims. These eight have set me free so you are no longer welcome here. Return these ones back to their realm." The ghost had said.

The house hissed like it was extinguished and crumbled. "...what now..?" Kim-ly asked.

"Oh. Now you all can go back. Thank you. You've all done a service. Sentient houses are so difficult sometimes." The ghost said.

"..Sentient houses?!" Rosalie exclaims. "Yes? You didn't know your original one was? Where are all those random rooms coming from? Hm?" The ghost explained. "...we don't explore the house much I suppose." Rosalie mutters.

"Anyway.. back to your world.." The ghost sends them back.

They all wake up on the floor of their beloved enemy house.

Murmurs of confusion.

End of season one.

Enemy HouseWhere stories live. Discover now