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The three opened their eyes. The spinning had stopped, but they were in a new house. It resembled a stereotypical beach house. "Woah..." Thiago said. Someone stumbled down the stairs. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE HOUSE?" Vinny shouted. "It changed..." John replied. 

Eventually, everyone woke up and found out about the house issue. "That's cool." Viola said, a daydreaming look in her eyes, as if theorizing how the house did that. "Hm. I guess I was being smart when I made you all buy swimsuits." Kim-ly said. "That was in the middle of Winter, Kim." Alab replied. "Hey, they were cheaper that way." Kim-ly reasoned.

"Hm..... Squirt guns?" Nikolai randomly says. "DON'T YOU DARE!" Rosalie yelled from across the room. "...I'm still bringing them, and you can't stop me." Nikolai said and stuck out his tongue. 

John packed up the cooler and the group headed to the suddenly nearby beach. It was fun. Nikolai and Kim-ly managed to surprise attack Rosalie with the water guns. Thiago taught John and Alab to surf (well.. sorta.). Viola somehow became drunk at the beach's bar and was now randomly flirting with the bartender. Vinny made a sand castle. Over all, it was a productive day. 

The sun was setting and they all returned home. "i dont wannaaaaaaa goooooooooo..." a very drunk Viola says as Kim-ly has to carry her back. "You guys didn't suck that badly." Thiago commented, slightly amused neither Alab or John fell off the board. "Flip the counter days without an out of context quote back to zero.." Rosalie said. "It's already at zero." Vinny said. 

Everyone went back to the beach house and rested on that warm Monday evening.

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