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Vinny felt a chill down his spine. He opens his eyes. The room he was in became much darker. Cobwebs appeared, silky and silver.

He heard a faint wail. Vinny ran quickly, unaware of why but feeling the need to go to it. He walked down the hall, stopping to see something else new.

There was a photo, like a family picture, hung on the wall. All the faces were carved out except one. A young boy.

"..When did that.." He blinked but continued walking. Vinny made it downstairs. The cry came from the basement.

"Hello?" He called. The wail only became louder. Vinny walked down into the basement. It was dark and damp. In the corner was a sobbing woman. "H-huh..?" He was shocked and a little scared.

The woman looked up. "You must be the ones." She said. "The ones for what?" Vinny asked. The woman smiled. "Don't trust the flora, love." She said as if it were a casual saying.

The floor collapsed and Vinny fell into the void below. He woke up on his bed. Someone sat next to him.

" ..What happened? You were literally screaming." Viola said. "Wh-when did you get here?" Vinny asked.

"You never keep your door locked. I was worried someone was being murdered. Not unreasonable because of how shady it is for the original house to disappear and this beach house to take its place. Sounds too good to be true." Viola said.

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