Quoting my dumbass friends /hj

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Basically enemy house but it's some quotes me and my friends have said. Enjoy.


Thiago: Not hungry. You want it? * hands John a Rice Krispie*

John: No thanks.

Thiago: oh okay. *throws it towards the others*

* Kim-ly and Nikolai literally battling to the death over it* 

(Make sure you have eaten something today btw folks)


Alab: *says something without context* 

Kim-ly: ...

Vinny: don't you dare..

Kim-ly: I'm going to say it-

Vinny: NO-

Alab: what??

Kim-ly: that's what she said-

Vinny: shut up. Please.


Viola: yeah whatever pistachio icecream man.

John: It's good!

Rosalie: what's next? Viola yelling at me for liking oatmeal raisin cookies?-

Viola: -yes.

Rosalie: oh.


John: I need help asking someone out..

Alab: *suggests stereotypical movie things*

John: none of those would work.

Alab: They could!

John: and I'm pretty sure you said the same thing to Kim-ly when she asked for advice.

Alab: yeah..



Thiago: I WANT RED-

John: I just wanted to sit next to Rose because she's not insane in the head-



Vinny: stop speed walking away from me-

Alab: don't walk so slow!

Vinny: my foot's asleep!

Alab: well I'm walking normally. Nikolai's the one speed-walking.

Nikolai : what took you guys so long?

Alab: Vinny was being slow.


Nikolai : that's because you are left handed lmao.

Vinny: what does being left handed have to do with being slow-


Nikolai: sometimes I wonder how we are related. 

Viola: wow-


Rosalie, hosting a game of mafia: Aw, John isn't here. Now we can't continue the revenge story between him and Vinny when they kill each other first..


Kim-ly, holding an anteater stuffed animal: This is Arthur. He is a...

Viola: a what?

Kim-ly: M A T E R I A L  G U R L✨


John: Rose turn off the bird noise.

Rosalie: I CANT- HELP-

John: OH GOD-

Rosalie: Oh I just refreshed the page. 

Rosalie: OH NO ITS BACK-


Honestly that's all for now. I might make a part two eventually if this is enjoyed. If not I'll just continue with the regular posts. See ya.


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