Birthday prep work took forever somehow

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Viola: stupid waiting..

John: two days?!

Thiago: damn..

*over the next two days, the stuff arrives*

Kim-ly: oh I'm so excited!

Vinny: this isn't even for you?

Kim-ly: I know but still!

*John and Rosalie are carrying a box upstairs*

Rosalie: why the fuck is it so heavy?

John: I don't know! It's not prebuilt!

Viola: hm. I'll sub in for you, Rose, but I need you to pick up the main thing then.

Rosalie: say no more. I don't want to do that anymore.

*Viola hands Rosalie her keys and with ease helped John carry it upstairs*

Rosalie: how-

John: wha-

Viola: Equalizing the weight.

Rosalie and John: ...

Viola: whatever. Get on it!

*Rosalie drives to pick up the present*

*meanwhile the others are either working on decor or helping wrap some of the gifts*

Viola: everything is all set but Rosalie isn't back ye-

*She heard Nikolai's door creak*

Viola: everyone hide-

*Nikolai walked into the room*

Nikolai: ...?

Nikolai: why is it so dark..?

*Viola flips on the lights*

All : Happy birthday!

Nikolai: birthday was on the 21st??

Viola: well I'm sorry that it was interrupted by a ghost house!

Nikolai: and the extra days?

Viola: they were coming late.

John: I made a cake!

Nikolai: ooo.

*everyone enjoys a slice*

Alab: ..and uh we all just got you some gifts altogether.

Nikolai: Hm?

*the first present had a bag of carrots*

Nikolai: oh. Those are good. I guess. 

*next gift had a very small yellow knitted hat*

Nikolai: I can finally warm up door handles. Nice.

*Another had a leash*

Nikolai: ....uhh... thanks.....? I'm not that kind of person though-

*moment of silence after that comment*

*Viola carried the big box downstairs*

Nikolai: a.. hutch..?

Nikolai: ..does this mean- *his face lights up*

Viola: yeah.

*Rosalie walks through the front door*

Rosalie: I got it. 

*a ball of fluff was in her arms*

Rosalie: take the damn rabbit. Happy birthday.

Nikolai: ... *gasp*

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