Chapter 6

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Heyyy guys okay so I just wanted to say that you guys honestly make me so happy when I see your comments and when I see some one vote for my story! I love you guys!! <3 thank you so much for reading my stuff :) I want to dedicate this chapter specially to theoneandonlydaddyz because they are amazing and have been with me all throughout my series of Lets Just Say! Your comments are always amazing and they make me laugh! Thank you! Okay let the story begin!

vote, comment, fan me :)        pic of Chances house on the side :)

Chapter 6

We drove 15 minutes out of town. I was still bouncing with excitement as to where we are going! We turned on to a road that says dead end on the sign. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You guys aren't planning on killing me and dumping the body out here are you?" I asked jokingly.

"Maybe." Vince responded with a serious face. My eyes widened and I looked out the window. I saw trees and forest flying past. I just saw green blur and I was enjoying it actually. It looked pretty cool to me!

I noticed Vince slowing down a bit. Now I could actually focus on something as we went by. We passed a Log cabin mansion! It has huge pillars and a big front glass entrance. The house is huge and could probably home about 50 people! It was gorgeous though I must admit that! About five more minutes down the road we passed another log cabin not as big as the last one but a good fair size this on was on Vince's side so I was limited for view considering Vince's head is gigantic!

We continued driving and soon the road came to a end. Well here's the end of the road!

"Okay lets unpack the food." Sienna said climbing out of the car. I got out confused.

"A picnic!!?" I exclaimed. I love picnics!! They are the BOMB DOT COM! Vince smacked the back of my head.

"Use your brain dim wit." He muttered and I scowled at him.

"I was you use yours." I said and he raised a eyebrow.

"How old are you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Two. Get over it." I said sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled and  I broke out in laughter.

"Oh my god you two idiots help us." Sienna said getting frustrated. We both stopped laughing and went over to her. I grabbed the macaroni from her and she handed the rest to the boys. There wasn't allot really. I looked around and noticed a familiar car and another one beside it. They were nice cars. Darnnit its so familiar like I have seen it before!

"Harley! Lets go!" Sienna called and I snapped my attention to were Sienna was entering a pebble walk way. I followed her and the boys walking at the back of the group.

We walked through some forest for a few minutes then it broke out into a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a pond with a walk way bridge thing crossing it to a huge Half stone Half log cabin house. It was gorgeous! The front was littered with windows and perfectly green grass. I heard Sienna let out a low whistle.

"Small pack sure have the funds huh?" She asked Raiden and he nodded.

"But we have the power." He added and Sienna nodded in agreement. The started walking but I stood there jaw dropped taking in the beauty of the place.

They all turned and looked at me.

"Stop gawking and lets go." Vince said rolling his eyes. I regained my composer.

"Me gawking! Pft puh lease People! I was just looking." I said brushing it off and they all rolled their eyes. I walked in front and marched right up to the front door. I was about to knock when I realized what the hell I was doing.

Lets just say.... The Battle Never Ends (Sequel to lets just say... IWNET)Where stories live. Discover now