Chapter 12

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Hello to all you lovely readers!! <3 here is your chapter 12 i hope  you enjoy :) thanks for sticking with me and being so supportive


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Chapter 12


I decided to stay in my human form because lets face it I'm clumsy in human form and even worse in wolf. Plus this way I could call his name. A werewolf changes when they turn 16 so before then they are human and have no senses that comes with being a werewolf at all. Technically Jeremiah is a werewolf but in a human stage at the moment.

"Jeremiah!" I called and continued walking deeper into the woods. I was going to admit it I am nervous to be out here alone. I get lost easily and now I was going into the woods alone looking for a lost boy when I myself has a major chance of getting lost too. Boy am I ever helpful! Even if I did find him I probably would have us both lost!

I sniffed the air hoping to clue in to any scents. I found none so I continued walking.

"OOMPH!" I groaned as I landed on the ground. I got up and dusted myself off and looked at what I tripped over. I saw a shoe. I little shoe. I picked it up and examined it. It was a spider man light up shoe. Something a eight year old boy would wear. My eyes widened. I started looking around me frantically searching the forest.

"Jeremiah!" I yelled loudly and I waited a minute for a response. When I got no response I brought the shoe up to my nose and sniffed in the little boys scent. I brought the dirt covered shoe away from my face and sniffed the air. I wonder if this will work! I know dogs can do it so I don't see why we cant! I caught a whiff of the same scent and dropped the shoe. I walked in the direction that the scent was coming from.

I pushed myself farther ignoring the icy shivers running up and down my spine. The hair on my arms stood up as I pushed through this bush. I stopped and looked around the clearing I was brought to.
"Jeremiah?!" I called once again. I waited and sniffed the air. The scent was stronger here. I walked around the clearing searching. At this point I have no idea what I'm doing, my wolf is just sorta leading me now. I stopped at this tree at the  edge of the clearing and sniffed.

The scent is strong! I looked around the tree and gasped.
"Oh my gosh!" I whispered as I knelt down and sniffed the blood that was on the side of the tree. My heart skipped a beat and I felt sick. I stood up quickly and walked away from the blood. I started gagging and my body shook. I was scared! I stumbled further away from the tree gagging and holding my stomach. Once I was more in the middle of the clearing worriedness for Jeremiah settled in.

'Hey guys I found a shoe and some blood head, over here!' I called out to our search party through mind link. Their replies came in quickly and practically all at once. I shook my head annoyed with mind link. I heard foot falls coming towards me and their howls. I sat down on a near by log and held my head in my hands. I looked up as I heard the first wolf break into the clearing. I saw Sienna looking over at me, I pointed to the tree in disgust and she turned towards it. I looked back down at the ground and didn't bother looking up again when the other wolves made it here. I listened to their chattering in mind link.

'Is it his?' asked Sienna.

'yes...' I replied quietly.

'How much is there?' Vince asked.

'Quite a bit.' Raiden replied.

'Doesn't look to good does it?' Hunter asked.

Lets just say.... The Battle Never Ends (Sequel to lets just say... IWNET)Where stories live. Discover now