Chapter 1

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Hellooo everyone! :D yes this is a sequel! If you haven't read the first book I suggest you do because you will be extremely lost in this one if you don't! :) For all my fans following me from lets just say IWNET! love you guys and all new comers :) anyways some of you have been waiting for this and well here it is so I will stop babbling and enjoy!





Chapter 1

I walked beside Cathy towards the forest.
"Hey guys wait up!" I heard Hunter, Cathy's mate call after us. Cathy and Hunter found each other when Cathy turned 17. It was weird and they didn't know how to tell Raiden, Cathy's brother and our Alpha but they ended up sitting him down and talking. We stopped and looked back to see Hunter weave in and out of the crowd. When he came over he kissed Cathy and held her hand. We turned around and kept walking.

Currently we were heading to the pack barbecue. My sister who is also the Luna holds one every Saturday. I looked around for my sister Sienna also the Luna. I couldn't find her anywhere! I sighed a settled for giving up on finding my troubling making older sister. I must admit though as much of a pain in the butt all my sisters are and my brother I have a very good looking family. My sister Joyce has blond wavy hair and ice blue eyes. My brother Demitri has dark hair like the rest of us. He has a side swoop thingy which he calls a shag but trust me that is not a shag. He has deep blue eyes as well.

My sister and Luna Sienna is very pretty I can see why she ended up with some one as good looking as Raiden. She has perfectly tanned skin, fierce silver eyes and long wavy dark brown hair. She could have any guy along with Joyce. I was more jealous over Joyce though. Only reason is that her and her mate are just the cutest! I really want my mate and I'm excited. I looked around and saw George with Tina. I tilted my head and watched them. They aren't mates at all but are together and probably will be forever. They both had lost their mates. I have no idea what happened to Tina's but Georges mate was my other oldest sister Elle.

Elle died about two months ago in a battle between our pack and some other pack who wanted what my sister Sienna has. Our land. It was a stupid fight really but Elle had betrayed our pack majorly and tried killing Sienna. Sienna had no choice but to kill Elle. I have never seen Sienna's Wolf side exposed as much as I did on that day. Elle was beautiful too. Brown wavy hair and big brown eyes. I think out of us all she had the perfect smile. In the family I guess I'm the average looking one. I have brown wavy hair and average brown eyes. Sienna always tells me I get this sparkle in my eye when I am happy or angry so she can never tell the difference. I just think her mind is playing tricks on her.

I suddenly realised I was staring right at George and he was staring back. I blushed horribly and looked away quickly. Another thing that sucks about being me is that I get embarrassed and blush allot. I am also more of the timid and non violence type. If I was to become a hippie (minus the weed) I'd probably be the best hippie of all time! I hate fighting I honestly cant  even watch a action movie! Its a depressing life.

I turned to Cathy but found no Cathy. I sighed. Great my best friend ditched me for a make out session. I walked on alone and once I reached the clearing we always have the barbecue at I looked around searching for some one I know. Honestly I don't have allot of friends like Joyce or Sienna. Even my older brother who isn't in school anymore has more friends than I do. Like I said before depressing life I know.

Beside's Cathy I have one other friend. Sierra. Sierra is really cool laid back and very pretty. She has curly dirty blond hair and the perfect face shape! Her eyes are a dull blue and from a distance they look brown. I looked for her but couldn't see her anywhere. I sighed and walked forward. I continued looking around and then I saw a blond wavy haired girl. I tapped her shoulder.
"Joyce I have been looking for you everywhere!" I exclaimed. I stopped and blushed furiously when the person who turned around wasn't Joyce. I patted their shoulder and winced.
"Sorry ma'am." I apologized and turned around walking away quickly.

Lets just say.... The Battle Never Ends (Sequel to lets just say... IWNET)Where stories live. Discover now