Chapter 21

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Hey ya'll so this story is almost coming to an end! I know sad face!!! But I will be writing a new book called My devilish Angle so ya'll should definitely check that out after I finish this book I will be posting the first chapter of it seeing as I have already started wiring it. (It is a vampire book)



Chapter 21

I groaned and held my head with my hands.
"Ohhh.." I groaned in pain. I started shivering from the cold stone ground. Wait what!? Stone ground? Hurting head?! My eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. A wave of nausea and light headiness took over. I looked around and saw a cage cell like door and stone walls and floors. It was dark and cold. It smelt musty and I was guessing that I was in a basement of some sort. I looked into the darkness in the cell I was in and noticed two pairs of eyes in the corner. I could hear frightened breaths coming from the two people there and I squinted my eyes to get a better look.

"Who are you?" I asked and I got no response.
"Jeremiah? Carry?" I asked again using the names of the two kids that went missing. I heard a whimper from one of them.
"She knows our names." The little girl voice which I'm guessing is Carry whispered.
"Jeremiah its Harley...... Siennas sister." I offered and in a split second Jeremiah was in my arms hugging me tight.

"I knew you guys would come for us!" He whisper shouted. I hugged him back and looked around confused.
"I was taken too I didn't mean to end up here. They don't know where we are.... I don't know where we are." I spoke to them quietly.
"We're in their house." Carry spoke up coming out from the corner now. I could see with the dim lighting from outside the cell that she has big brown eyes and jet black hair.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked them and Jeremiah pulled away from me.
"Yes we're fine. Can you use mind link to contact anyone?" He asked me and I looked at him surprised.
"I hadn't thought of that.... Hold on." I told him. I tried opening my mind to communicate but it was no use.
"They must have silver running through this house I cant reach anyone." I said sadly.

"Its okay Harley you tried." Carry said softly and I stared at the pair surprised by how they have been handling this whole situation.
"Have they hurt you guys? Do they feed you?" I asked and they looked behind me whimpered and returned back to the corner. I turned around slowly and saw him the hunter on the other side of the cage watching me with hateful eyes. I stood up slowly on wobbly legs and faced him.
"What do you want?" I hissed. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my wolf inside stirred wanting to rip him apart... which is a very weird feeling considering I'm anti violence.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." He said smoothly. I glared at him and a growl escaped my mouth. He smirked as he eyed me.
"Ahh now now mutt calm down you wouldn't be able to get out even if you tried." He teased and I started shaking.
"Where have you taken me!?" I demanded and he rolled his eyes.
"Listen Ms. Luna. Would you relax? Answers will come in time." He said pulling out one of his knives. Just the sight of it angered me even more.
"LET US OUT!!" I roared and he looked up at me shocked that I had yelled so loud. I was just as surprised as he was. I kept a poker face on though.

I felt my wolf side coming through and I tried channeling only half of my wolf like Sienna would try and teach me. I could never get it but this time I felt nails extend and my eyes shift. I cracked my neck and stared at him growling. He looked at me and started laughing. He was laughing at me!
"Good try dear you're in there and I'm out here. Do you really think changing like that will help you in anyway?" He questioned.
"When I get out of here I am going to kill you myself." I growled shocking the shit outta myself and him.

Lets just say.... The Battle Never Ends (Sequel to lets just say... IWNET)Where stories live. Discover now