Chapter 11

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  • Dedicated to My Amazing readers <3

Heyy ya'll!! Okay so I like love you all to the moon and back and like around the world and to the next vortex or whatever! You get my drift I love you! :) Anyways here's your chapter 11 hope you liked the intimacy in the last chapter and hope you enjoy this chapter!

lots of lovey, Savannah! :) :* <3

Chapter 11

I groaned and rolled over.


I hissed in pain as my head came into contact with something hard. I opened my one eyes and saw some white wood in front of my face. What the donkey's!? I sat up quickly looking around. I was surrounded by my white wooden bed frame. What happened to my bed!? I instantly felt a migraine coming on and I groaned. Why is my mattress on the floor? I stood up carefully in case this was some prank being pulled on me and I stepped out of my encasement.

I walked to my bathroom looking back wearily at the broken bed. I closed the bathroom door and looked at myself in the mirror. I screamed and then once I realized the frizzy haired beast was in fact me I calmed down. My heart was beating like a humming bird though as I gripped the counter edge. I pointed to myself in the mirror and glared.

"Your not nice." I grumbled and started brushing my hair out. Every stroke of the brush caused me to wince.

"Ow Ow Ow! Stupid hair goblins got me good last night!" I hissed and then gave up and pulled it back into a messy bun. I took all my makeup off and left the bathroom. I realized that I was in my clothes still from yesterday so I changed into some pajamas.

I walked to my bedroom door and went to open it but it was locked. I stared at it suspiciously. Who would have locked my bedroom door from inside my room!? I looked at the window and noticed it open. Oh my god! I have a mass murderer in my bedroom right now! He's probably hiding under my bed. I looked at my bed and then sighed. Okay never mind scratch that one! I told myself realizing the state my bed was in. Maybe he's in the closet! I quickly looked at the closet. I turned and unlocked my bedroom door and ran out. I went to go run down the stairs but slipped on a red solo cup laying there from last nights events.

I hit my bum off the first step but I swear to you my back side didn't hit any other step. I swear some one wanted to smash my face in and this was karma coming to get me!





"Oh my!!!"

I exclaimed with every smack of a step. I hit the bottom crumpled up and in pain. I laid there for a moment angry thoughts of setting the stairs on fire corrupted my mind. After lying there for a good five minutes I got up slowly wincing. I turned and looked at the stairs glaring.

"Jerk." I muttered and turned limping through the archway and into the living room. Gosh stupid stairs are going to be the death of me! I even told my parents to put in a elevator for me when we moved here but noooo that apparently wasn't a good idea! I noticed the bodies of unknown people passed out on the couches and the floor. Party cups everywhere and......WAIT did they T-P the place!? I looked around in horror.

Toilet paper hung from everywhere. It was like I was in toilet paperland! I walked around cautiously but then I got a whiff of some gross stench! I looked around for the source and found a nice pile of puke on the living room floor beside some kids head. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen to find more people passed out on our counter tops!!! I stared at them incredulously. That cannot be comfortable! Well so much for breakfast! I turned and walked to my fathers office hoping and praying to the wolf gods that no one was in it. Dad would blow a casket!

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