♠︎I AM YN {1}♠︎

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Yn Pov
My brain working non stop. Multiworking, everything was giving Me a headache again, I immediately took pills from my black leather bag which was placed on my table, gulped it and drank the water


Drinking calmly, but someone entered the cabin without knocking which startled me. I spilled some water on my blazer.

??? = I am sorry hehe

Yn= Seriously! JUNG.HOO.LEE.OPPA

I replied to his apology angrily, now I have to change my blazer to a new one! I have a meeting in 10 min . Time is running as fast as it can!

JHL = I am sorry princess-

Yn= Don't call me that * small pout* and Tell me why did you come here!! Tell..... Fast..... I have a meeting coming up

JHL = First of all don't overwork yourself, second remember tomorrow is your big day

I sighed! Tomorrow I am going to get another big responsibility. But I don't care, I will go to any end for my REVENGE.
If only I get that postion I would be able to-

JHL= Enough of day dreaming
He said facepalming himself

Yn= Hehe sorry and about tomorrow hm.... It is going to be a big day

JHL= Will you reveal yourself?

Yn= WHAT? Hell no!! I am never ever going to do that, I want a normal simple life.* roles eyes *

JHL= Aniya, I just asked with curiousty, Well yn -

??? = Ynie next meeting with kangs will be in 5 mins are you ready - Oh h-hey Jung Hoo didnt saw you there * Sarcastic*

JHL= Yah yah * roles eyes *

Yn= Don't start to bicker again you both! Aerum unnie I am ready let's go


Name = Bak Aerum Parents = Mr and Mrs BakAge=24 Work= Secretary and temporary CEO of stone dais enterprises in L

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Name = Bak Aerum
Parents = Mr and Mrs Bak
Work= Secretary and temporary CEO of stone dais enterprises in L.A
Don't know yn and jung hoo lee is???


Aerum unnie is my secretary, Well I own Stone Dais enterprises. From when I was young, I always loved business and my buddy ( dad- Mr lee) always used to tell , when I grow up I can be the CEO of his company - Lee bae enterprises, which is no long. After buddy's death our uncle took over the company but he failed to manage business .
Aerum= You are really day dreaming a lot

Yn= Uuh sorry hehe! I will come to meeting room after changing my blazer, wait a moment and you both ( JHL and Aerum) Don't Bicker! It's really hard to stop you both * I literally whinned*
And they were like awe

√ "AVENGE"STEP SIBLINGS ( MAFIA×AGENT AU) FT•TXT, BP, BTS, SKZ Where stories live. Discover now