♠︎DATING? {4}♠︎

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I just looked at her borely knowing what she is going to tell

Mrs Lee = I am actually dating__________


Yn Pov

Mrs Lee= I am actually dating someone


She squealed in happiness

Well about me, if I keep my problems aside, I am happy for her, for moving on from buddy.

Roya= Wait is he rich?

She is never going to change

Mrs Lee= Well he is my boss, Mr Kim Junghen.We will be getting married in 2 weeks and also you 2 will be having step brothers and step sisters

Roya= WOW! I am happy mom that you moved on

That's a point

Mrs Lee= What about you yn?

Me? I wanna just shout

She just fricking called me from L.A after 6 years just to tell this! And I should live with them!? Hell nah!

First I should check about them! Cause my agent work may create safety problems for everyone.

Mrs Lee= Yn?

Yn= Ah,I am happy for you. I don't have any problem with it, but I won't move in with THEM

I can see Mrs Lee becoming sad, but I knew what was coming next Ugh!

Mrs Lee = Please? For my happiness? Move in with us?

Yn= -_- FINE, I am going

Mrs Lee = And wait, Tomorrow evening, we will go for dinner in their house and please wear something nice

I just nodded and went back to my room

I was thinking whether I did the right thing!

But then started my nightmare

" You are a waste, your step mother don't even love you "

" Why are you still living? for whom? "

" No one loves you "


I screamrd slightly not wanting others to hear

This is my one problem that no one knows

/ Depression /


I woke up by my alaram. It was 4:45 , I did my morning routine and changed into gym clothes

 It was 4:45 , I did my morning routine and changed into gym clothes

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